Chapter 25

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Lacey POV

I sat in the chair numb. My mother and father sat on either side of me but unlike them I was tied down to my chair unable to move. The room was unfamiliar to me, we didn't go back to my childhood home instead we went to a dark mansion that didn't give off the same feel as Namjoons. I sighed and felt my heart break a little more at the thought of Namjoon, I missed him so much and will never forget the pain in his eyes when I left. Would he come for me?

People in black robes came and went as they all wanted to see me. They kept saying that they had waited centuries for me to be created. They frightened me, their eyes were crimson red and evil. I knew I was stronger than them but I couldn't risk leaving. They could hurt my friends.

The room was dimly lit with candles making it look like I was about to get sacrificed to Satan or something. That would honestly be the perfect end to my day, taken away from my boyfriend and then sacrificed to Satan.

"Are you having fun Lacey?" My mother asked putting her hand on mine.

I shuddered away from her touch making the chair screech against the floor.

"Don't worry Lacey, you'll soon be like us" she said smiling at me.

"I will never be like you" I spat at her.

"God you've gotten more stubborn since you left" she yelled as she got up from her chair and made her way towards the giants doors.

My father sighed and shook his head at her. "Your mother has always been like this"

"Are you really my father?" I asked.

He smiled. "We adopted you when you were first born"

"Why lie to me all those years?" I asked.

"It was easier. It protected you" he said.

"Protected me?" I laughed. "You have me tied down to a chair and I feel like you may sacrifice me"

"This is for your own good Lacey. You have no idea how strong you can be" my father said to me.

"I don't want to know how strong I can be. I don't want to hurt people" I said fidgeting in my chair.

"For too long Lacey, vampires have been hiding away from those weak humans. They tried to kill us, make us extinct but we went in to hiding. This is our time" he said getting up and coming over to me. His eyes bright red with fury and his fangs were visible. "We need to teach those humans a lesson and you will lead us"

"Never" I said as I spat in to his face and pushed him away with my mind.

He laughed as he hit the wall. "You're getting stronger and soon you won't be able to control yourself"

"Namjoon has been teaching me how to control myself. I won't let myself lose it" I screamed at him.

"That pesky boy. He's brainwashed you in to being weak" my father said walking towards me.

"That boy is my mate and he will find me and fuck you up" I spat at him.

My father sprinted towards me and put his hand against my chair. The wood cracked under his grip as he looked at me with an evil gaze.

"He won't be coming for you anytime soon Lacey" he whispered.

"He will. He loves me and he will save me from you" I said to him.

"But how will he do that without a heart?" He asked.

My heart broke in to a million pieces. He couldn't be dead, my father promised me that none of them would get hurt. He had to be lying.

"You're lying" I said to him.

He shook his head. "I sent my men back to the house and took out all of your silly friends"

I screamed as I ripped out of my restraints and pushed my father up against the wall by the throat. My dark side was coming but I had to maintain control, he had to be lying. Namjoon isn't dead. I let my father go and backed away from him.

"You're lying. I know your lying" I whispered.

"I still have Namjoons heart in my room. They said that he cried as it was ripped out of his chest" my father said walking over to me.

I screamed and covered my ears with my hands. I needed to block him out, my dark side was fighting against me and I was going to lose it at any moment. My father was lying, Namjoon can't be dead.

"Your mate is gone Lacey. There is no one who will stop you from becoming your true self. From becoming who you are meant to be" my father whispered to me.

The doors to the hall flew open and a big group of vampires wearing black hooded cloaks surrounded me. They were describing the deaths of my friends to me and I could feel my soul leaving my body. I couldn't fight it anymore.

I could see my eyes turning red and my fangs appearing in my mouth. My dark side was taking over and my sanity was slipping for me. I screamed in my mind as the darkness took me over and I lost control of my body.

I watched my father and mother come up to me and smile an evil smile.

"Welcome Lacey" They said as they all bowed down to me.

I screamed in my mind but I couldn't move or anything. She was in control now, my dark side.

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