Chapter 23

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Namjoon POV

She was gone. Lacey was gone, I watched her as she walked away from me. I was completely useless, I couldn't stop her. Lacey disappeared.

I sobbed as I sat there feeling numb. The guys wrapped their arms around me as I sobbed in to my hands. I had been a vampire for centuries and endured a lot of pain but none of it was as painful as Lacey leaving.

We made our way back in to the house. Everywhere I looked reminded me of Lacey, the library, the stairs, everything. I went over to the stairs and sat down on the first step. I stared at the floor not knowing what to do. Jungkook came over and sat down next to me.

"We'll get her back Namjoon" said Jungkook putting his hard on my shoulder.

"It'll be too late. They are going to turn her in to an evil, they will make sure she let's her dark side take over her" I told him.

"Then we need to get there before it happens" I heard Taehyung say.

"Tae's right. We need to think of a game plan for getting to Lacey" Leah said. "But we are going to need back up"

"Where are we going to find people?" I asked.

Jamie took a step forward. "I know people who would be willing to do anything for me. They were like me, evil but turned good, they would fight with us"

"Will it be enough?" I asked.

"We all know people. So do you Namjoon" she said. "It's time we start contacting them and getting them here"

"I agree with my girl" Yoongi said putting his arm around Jamie's waist. "We can't just sit here waiting for them. We need to start alerting our friends and getting them here ASAP"

"But we are asking them to die" I said to them.

"No you're not" Yoongi said. "Everyone had been affected by the evils in some way. This is their chance to get their revenge and end those motherfuckers"

I stood up and realised he was right. It was time to take action against the evils. "Let's do this"

We spent the rest of the day contacting our friends from all around the world. Most of them agreed to come without even hearing the story, they just wanted to get revenge on the evils. Over thirty vampires were on their way to the house and that's was only half of the people we were asking.

I paced the library refusing to look at desk that reminded me of Lacey. We were so happy back then, not a care in the world. None of us even thought about her family or the fact that they wanted her, we got lost in the happiness and forgot about our problems. I could feel myself getting angry, why didn't I stop her?

"Dude you need to calm down" I heard Hoseok say from beside me. "I can feel your anger"

"I'm angry at myself. I could of stopped her" I shouted as I punched the wall next to me, I left a hole in the wall.

"Hey" Hoseok said taking my hand out of the wall. "There's no use hurting yourself"

I sighed and rubbed my hand as I watched my wounds heal. I looked around the room and nearly everyone was on the phone trying to get people to come and help us. A few of them refused as soon as we mentioned the evils but I was surprised by the amount that said yes.

I sat down on the nearest chair and put my head in my hands. Lacey was always on my mind, was she okay? Did they hurt her? If they've hurt her then I'm will kill them all slowly and painfully. But the only thing I was truly worried about was Lacey's dark side taking over her.

She did have control over that side of her but if she stayed with them for long enough then she could turn in to one of them. They are fully aware of what kind of power she has and how powerful she really is, Lacey can destroy cities and people with a single finger. She may become someone that she never wanted to become.

"Okay I've called everyone I know and they are all on their way" Jamie said putting her phone on the desk.

"How many did you call?" I asked looking up at her.

"I have no idea but they will be here in a few days" Jamie said.

"Thank you so much"

"We've all called a lot of people and only about ten of them said no. They will all be here in a few days" Yoongi said.

I nodded and got up from my seat. "I'm going to go sit outside for a bit"

I quickly left the room and went outside. Darkness had full set in and I had never felt so alone. When I was first turned in to a vampire I felt lonely, my thirst was painful and I had no friends. I barley remember my human friends anymore, I didn't have many but I never felt alone.

It was a different time and I knew I couldn't go back to them. That's when I met Jin, he was close to dying and he needed to be saved. He begged me to help him and I did, when he came back round he was thankful and offered to stay with me. That was the beginning of my coven, I didn't mean to make a coven but it happened and I am thankful. They are my family.

As I watched the boys find their mates I longed to find one for myself. The idea of being with someone for an eternity appealed to me but I was convinced I was never going to find one until I found Lacey. I never meant to fall in love with her but it just happened, I watched her grow up in to a beautful young woman and I fell for her. I promised to protect her and I failed. Tears filled my eyes and I began to cry.

"Hey" I heard a voice say. I looked up to see Jimin. I wiped my tears away and gave him a small smile.

"Hey Jimin" I whispered.

"We'll get her back Namjoon" he said reassuringly.

"But what if they change her by then?" I asked. "Sure she was able to control herself sometime but she's still struggling. They can make her embrace her dark side and we'll lose her"

"If anyone can bring her back Namjoon it's you. Do you remember when she killed your creator?" Jimin asked me.

I nodded. "Yeah, it was the first time she pulled herself back"

"Because of you. You went up to her and brought her back, you can do it again" he said.

"That was different Jimin. She was only a little bit out of control, by the time we get to her she will be fully out of control" I said sighing.

"We'll save her" he said getting up and going back inside.

I nodded. I needed to stay optimistic, I will save you Lacey. I will.

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