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After our long and annoying supper I went to my bed room.

I need to go live..

I sat in my chair as I typed
On my computer.
Then I clicked
Go live
Once I went live the fans started rolling in.
"Hey guys!!" I smiled to my amazing supporters.
"So I'm having a little problem..and yeah could you maybe help me?" I asked.
Most agreed to help.
"So there's this girl" I paused "and I'm no sure if she likes me, but yeah we jut met like today, but I think she likes me, but I think she thinks I'm a fuzz boy!"

-Call her!
-Is she pretty?
-What's she look like?
-She's probably and ugly skank like you!!!!
-Weston! She likes you!! How could she not your soooooo hotttt!!!!!!

"Well she called me Romeo today..soo what's that mean?" I asked.

-she really likes you
-likes you
-likes you
-she got the crushys
-probably hates your skanky a$$
-she likes you

"Aww guys I love you" I giggled.
"Soo what are we gonna do?" I asked.

------------after going live---------

I was laying on my bed tired and wore out when my phone buzzed.
"Uhhhhhhhhh" I picked my phone up and seen it was a text from Mario.

Mario: Heyyy Weston!!!!!!!

I waited a couple seconds and Mario didn't message me back...jerk!
I laid back on my bed and closed my eyes.
I checked the time on my phone
11:30 pm.

Have you ever had that feeling when your eyes are tired, but your body isn't? Well that's me right about now!
I stood up and flicked my light switch off as I crawled back into bed.
I took my shirt off and tossed it..somewhere. Then I covered up and stared at the blank and dark wall.

I like Hailey...wait no I don't...or do I? Wait I do!!! Nope..ugh I'm a lost white boy.....


Hey "baby cakes" I hope your having and amazing day❤️ hope you liked this update!😉
Please do forgive me on the length, I know it's short!!
I'll be updating everyday!

"The Girl Who Joined Our Journey"


Take me as I am or watch me as I go//Weston KouryWhere stories live. Discover now