After our long and annoying supper I went to my bed room.
I need to go live..
I sat in my chair as I typed
On my computer.
Then I clicked
Go live
Once I went live the fans started rolling in.
"Hey guys!!" I smiled to my amazing supporters.
"So I'm having a little problem..and yeah could you maybe help me?" I asked.
Most agreed to help.
"So there's this girl" I paused "and I'm no sure if she likes me, but yeah we jut met like today, but I think she likes me, but I think she thinks I'm a fuzz boy!"-Call her!
-Is she pretty?
-What's she look like?
-She's probably and ugly skank like you!!!!
-Weston! She likes you!! How could she not your soooooo hotttt!!!!!!"Well she called me Romeo today..soo what's that mean?" I asked.
-she really likes you
-likes you
-likes you
-she got the crushys
-probably hates your skanky a$$
-she likes you"Aww guys I love you" I giggled.
"Soo what are we gonna do?" I asked.------------after going live---------
I was laying on my bed tired and wore out when my phone buzzed.
"Uhhhhhhhhh" I picked my phone up and seen it was a text from Mario.Mario: Heyyy Weston!!!!!!!
Me: hey MARRIIIOOO!!!I waited a couple seconds and Mario didn't message me back...jerk!
I laid back on my bed and closed my eyes.
I checked the time on my phone
11:30 pm.Have you ever had that feeling when your eyes are tired, but your body isn't? Well that's me right about now!
I stood up and flicked my light switch off as I crawled back into bed.
I took my shirt off and tossed it..somewhere. Then I covered up and stared at the blank and dark wall.I like Hailey...wait no I don't...or do I? Wait I do!!! Nope..ugh I'm a lost white boy.....
Hey "baby cakes" I hope your having and amazing day❤️ hope you liked this update!😉
Please do forgive me on the length, I know it's short!!
I'll be updating everyday!GO CHECK OUT MY RECENT STORY
"The Girl Who Joined Our Journey"Link:
Take me as I am or watch me as I go//Weston Koury
Fanfiction-You fall in love with the most unexpected person at the most unexpected time. Like Romeo and Juliet or Bonnie and Clyde!! You know what that say..if it's destined to be it WILL happen!!!