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"Thanks for breaking my back" i laughed.
"No need to thank me"
She pulled herself off me and put her hand out.
I grabbed her hand and stood up.
"How about we take another window? " she asked.
"Good idea!"
We walked around to the back side were there was a low window.
"I know this place like the back of my head" Hailey smirked.
I nodded uncertain of her statement.
She lifted the window and crawled through hitting the floor as i fell on her.
"Oww" she moaned.
I giggled "at least i wasn't the unlucky one being squished this time"
"Shut up"
We stood up then she lead the way to another room.

The kitchen? 😂

"And this is were our party begins" she chuckled opening the fridge.
"Wowww" i shook my head.
She pulled out a pizza boz and a few Yogurts.
"Ha a box of leftovers and desert" she smirked.
Again i shook my head as she heated up the pizza then we started to dig in.
Aftee we ate the hole box.. Well after she ate the hole box I had three pieces she ate the rest.
We went and sat on the love seat and watched Netflix.

Ahh this is the life.. Breaking into her friends house,  eating there food, and then watching their Netflix, and comforting ourselves to their love seat. 
(Incase your weird and have no idea what a love seat is.. Well its a short couch chair thing that basically has only two cushions because mainly its for two people that's why its called a "love" seat because its for lovers, but anyone can pretty much use it..just clearing that up for ya)

We ended up watching Vampire Diary's because well hey i told her she could pick the show and so I'm stuck with this..
I could see the sleepiness in her eyes it wont be long before she ends up falling asleep.
An hour later i noticed she was asleep, well i think she is... I could see her head look as if it was about to fall. My arms were rested neatly behind my head as i was chilling in the crees of the love seat. She moved in her sleep down and rested her head onto my chest.
A smile peeked from my face as i put my arm around her.

Are we for real cuddling? 😍🔥

Before long my eye sight darkened as i closed my eyes and fell asleep.


Note: weston better not sleep to long #curfew

Again sorry for the late updates.. I'm really stressing out from all the hate I've been getting lately and shiz so please forgive me i should be back on track soon i really luv you guys😘

With y'all reading my updates and adding them to you reading lists and voting it really puts a light in my heart and sorry its getting to emotional lmao being weird right now😂 I'm just gonna go! Updates soon😜😜

Take me as I am or watch me as I go//Weston KouryWhere stories live. Discover now