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The next day I was outside play Basketball ball listening to
On my phone.
That's when my phone buzzed in my pocket.
I dropped the ball messing up.
"Who could that be!" I yelled out of Anger. Only because I'm hot and sweaty.
I checked my phone to see it was my mom.

Mom: your girlfriend called and she wants you to call her back😋😋😋

I blushed and rolled my eyes.
I wobbled into the house and got the home phone.
I dialed in her number and then called.

No awenser..
How could someone call, but not awenser when you Call back.

I put the phone back up on it's box.
I walked back outside and continued to play Basketball until Mario ended up coming over then it was one on one.
"I'm surprised your not hanging with Hailey" Mario joked.
"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked.
"Your always with her"
"Oh well she might come over sometime today" I said.
"Like I said"
"Well I'm surprised your not with Karlei" I mocked.
"She's staying with Jenny"
After an hour of playing one on one we went in side and ate lunch.
"Hey man I gotta go my mom just texted me"Mario sighed.
"Right see ya bro" we shook hand hugged then he left.
I ended up riding my penny board to Hailey's house.
Once I got there I walked up her driveway and then knocked on her door. Again her dogs began to bark scaring me.
The same boy from the last time I was here awensered the door.
"Ya?" He asked.
"Is um Hailey here?" I asked shyly.
"Um who are you?"
His voice was deep and grouchy...this guy scared me!
" her friend" I corrected myself.
"Ok well she's not here" he sassed.

I'm not sure how to reply.

"Oh um can you tell her when shes back that Weston stopped by?"
"Suuurreee" he sounded as if he isn't going to tell her.
"Oh well um bye I guess" I stuttered.
"Yeah" he groaned shutting the door in my face.
I turned around off the porch and left...

Once I got home my pocket vibrated.
It was a message from Hailey.
Hailey: hey before I forget I'm not at my house! I'm staying with Jenny so I won't be able to chill for a couple of days! Sorry..

Wow Weston you couldn't wait a little longer to see if she'd text or call!?


This story is sooooo lit like I'm not even kidding! ^^^^^^^^^^

Take me as I am or watch me as I go//Weston KouryWhere stories live. Discover now