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We finally released our kiss.
There was nothing, but silence between us.
"You know what I didn't do?" I asked.
She cocked her head in response.
"Eat..are you hungry?"
"A little.." she whispered.
"I'm buying" I snapped.
"Oh ok" she sighed.
"Wes?" She asked.
"Stop" she demanded.
I stopped and turned facing her.
She took a step in front of me.
"This is my...our first kiss..let's make it rememberable" she smirked grabbing my neck pulling me in.
Her tounge tied with mine as she again..made me not want to stop.
I wrapped my arms around her waste pulling her in causing her to giggle. Her giggles weren't just some girls giggles they were like music..don't think of me as some weirdo, but like I want to hear her laugh all the time.
She clutched my hand as we began to walk to McDonald's.
As we walked down the rode both holding our penny board on the opposite side of each other.
She slowly laced her fingers with mine causing a smile to appear across my face.
(Sorry about the awkward kissing seen😘😘)

*At McDonald's*

we walked up to the lady working as she smiled
"Hello may I take your order?" The woman asked.
I looked to Hailey
"what do you want?"
"Ummm a cheese burger I guess" she shrugged.
"Make that two cheeseburgers and two large drinks" I told the lady.
"Ok that'll be $8" she smiled.
I put my hand in my joggers and pulled out my wallet revealing my money.
I then handed the woman the money, as she got us our food and cups.
We took our tray then got our drinks and of course she got Dr pepper.
I got coke.
We sat down and continued to eat.

*After eating*

We dumped our tray then I opened the door for her.
"It looks like it's gonna rain" she added.
We started walking down the rode when it...started raining.
"Told yeah" she laughed.
I started running as she did too.
She stopped running because I guess she got tired.
I turned around and we were both laughing hard.
"I need a donut" she snickered placing her hand on her knees to rest.
Causing me to laugh louder.
Her hair sticked to her face as she twisted her body in the road.
"What are you doing" I laughed watching her jump around.
"Dancing" she snickered.
"Is that what were calling dancing now days?" I asked.
"Yeppers!!" She giggled.
"Dance with me!" She laughed walking over to me.
I grabbed her hand as we started jumping around flipping out messy hair around.


Sorry it's so short.....

Luv you Thooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!

Take me as I am or watch me as I go//Weston KouryWhere stories live. Discover now