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*next day*
(Still sick)

*Day later*

It was 2:00 in the afternoon and I was feeling a hole lot better. It turns out I had a two day bug.
I texted Hailey..

Me: hey I'm feeling better!!

I then flopped on the couch and ate a bag of pretzels watching TV.
My hair unfixed and wearing just my basketball shorts.

*Hour later*

I was still watching TV when I heard a little soft knock on the door.
I ignored it at first, bit then I heard it again.
"MOM!!! SOMEONES AT THE DOOR!!" I yelled at the top of my lungs.
She came in from around the corner then looked at me evilly.
"Really Weston your right here" she snapped.
I shrugged  my shoulders not really caring.
She my mom walked to the door and opened it.
I didn't look away from the TV..until I heard a soft and sweat voice, "is um Weston here?" The voice asked.
I leaned over the couch to see who it was.


"Yes, who are you?" My mom smiled.

Oh no! I'm gonna get made fun of!!!!

"I'm Hailey! Weston and I are friends." She awensered.

Friends? I thought we were getting to be more..

"Well come in" my mom offered.
As she walked in I quickly sat back chill as if I wasn't paying any attention.
"Weston your friend is here to see you" my mom smirked.
I looked over to see Hailey standing there.
She sent over a small wave.
Which brought a smile to my face.
As my mom walked past me she whispered
"it's a girl!!"
I rolled my eyes then offered Hailey a seat beside me patting on the cushion.
She took her seat then smiled
"your all better!!"
"Yeah it was just a little bug" I sighed.
"Nice hair" she giggled.
"Yeah.." I eye rolled.
she put her fingers in my hair and started brushing it upward.
"Now it looks magnificent" she added laughing.
"Perfect" I sighed.
We ended up giggling together.
My mom came around the corner and had a big smile on her face.
"Does this mean I'll get grandbabies in the future?" She asked.
Hailey's cheeks blushed..hard.
I face Palmed then said "mom go!"
But that didn't work. I looked to Hailey who was still blushing.
"Let's go to my room" I sighed.
We stood up and my mom pointed her finger in my face
"the door stays opened."
"Ok, but where just friends, and I'm 14 so you don't have to worry about anything mom" I sighed face palming again.
We walked up stairs and flopped on my bed.
"What do you wanna do?" She asked.

Dirty mind kicking in!

"You" I joked.
"Oh wow perv" she smirked pushing me a little.
I scooted my body back to lay against the wall as well as her...
"I think I know what we can do" I smiled.
"What?" She asked.


Cliff hangerrrrrrrr


Take me as I am or watch me as I go//Weston KouryWhere stories live. Discover now