twenty five

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As we released our kiss I felt something.. Something I have never felt before. It was like a shocking sensation.
She looked at me clueless, And lost.
I cocked my head wondering if she felt the feeling I did.
Before I could ask she pulled me in for another one.

(Sorry bout the awkward kissing seen)

Thats when I realized I love her...
I love her more than life itself...
I've never felt this way about a girl, and I mean it too.
Could this be love?
No I should question myself..I KNOW It is!
"Hailey" I said releasing our kiss.
She looked at me straight in the eye as if she'd seen me for the first time.
"Yeah" he voice soft.
"I love" she cut me off.
"What?" I asked concerned at her stopping me.
"Don't say it" she demanded me.
"I love you" I said clarifying I do.
"No wes! Love is strong, love is beautiful, and i don't think I'm any of that" she looked down "you don't love me"
"Yes I do Hai-" she cut me off once more.
"No you don't" she snapped.
"Yes I do and I could prove it"
"No Weston" she said.

What just happened? One second we were kissing and now fighting??

I didn't say anything because I wasn't really up for a fight.
She looked at her finger nails.
She looked sad, but she was beautiful at it.
For some reason I couldn't turn away from her. I couldn't look at anything else, but her.
I wanted to say I love you, but the fear of fighting blocked my words from my mouth.
Instead I found myself saying
"you look beautiful"
A smile pealed from her lightly shaded cheeks.
I shared a smile.
Before I knew it we were hugging.
As I placed my head on her shoulder and hers on mine I lipped "I love you" but no words came out.
I just had to say it even tho she didn't want me to I know I do, and I can't deny it.
After our huge I looked in them big beautiful eyes and said..


Dang..sorry it's short, and for shooting you with a cliff hanger..


I'm so sick, and tired so if my updates are late deal with it fan because I feel like sh** and wanna sleep!

So sorry it's short..

Take me as I am or watch me as I go//Weston KouryWhere stories live. Discover now