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"You know them?" i asked referring to the girls who had just walked in.
"Do i?? " she shouted happily.
"Jenny!!! Karlei!!! Jordan!!!" she shouted running to the girls.

Oh..I ill take that as a yes...

I stood up and joined Hailey as she hugged the girls.
"Heyy guys whats the odds" she giggled to the gurls. I smiled along with her as i noticed the girls looking at me funny.
"Uh hi" i said shyly.
"Who's that?" one of the girls asked.
"Karlei be nice!" hailey snapped.
"Ight chill" the girl known as Karlei said.
Karlei had reddish brown hair and is taller than me.
"This is Weston!" hailey introduced me.
"This is karlei, Jenny, and Jordan."

Jenny has brown hair with blond highlights and big beautiful brown eyes, she is the same size as me.
Jordan was just like Karlei, taller than me and has brown short hair. Hailey ob the other hand is shorter than me.

"Hey!" i smiled hoping they wont judge.
"Heyyyy your Mark and Marios friend!!" Jenny smiled.
Thank God!! I'm OK they know me..
"Marks my boyfriend!" jenny laughed.
"Kool kool I've heard about you then! He never shuts up."i added.
"Marios mine" Karlei eye rolled.

She hates me!

"I can tell!" i fake smiled.
"Whats that supposed to mean?" she cocked her head.
"AAAA Hailey!" i bugged Hailey's shoulder.

Yep! I'm scared of Karlei!

"Karlei he wasn't threatening" Hailey added.
Karlei nodded as she gave me the stank eye.
"Hey scott and I are having a party tonight your coming" jordan pushed Hailey back in a playful way.
"Ok" she smiled.
"Sweeeeett we all have dates!" Jordan laughed.

Hailey has a boyfriend?

"I don't have a date!" Hailey snapped blank faced.
"Weston!" jenny pointed to me.

Me? They think were dating!?

"Weston's just a friend!" Hailey blushed causing  me ti blush too.

Ouch! Just a friend?

"Oh" they sighed.
"Unless.." Hailey blushed looking to me.
"You wanna be my date, Romeo? Just for the night?"

Yes yes yes yes a million times YES!!!!

"Yeah sure i guess, it will give me something to do you know" i paused.

Ok god i sound to lame

"Bro" i added punching her shoulder.

Much better

"What time?" Hailey asked.

"8:00" jordan awensered.
"Ok" Hailey nodded.
"I gotta get ready!" she laughed.
They all nodded.
"Ok well imah head to my house and change so ya see you chicks later!" Hailey hugged them.

Hailey and i exited the rank.
"If you want me to go to the party with you i cant go back to my house until after the party." i sighed.
"Mom! Striked! Remember! I have a curfew"
"Just come to my house then!" hailey replied.

Her house?

"Uh ok i guess.."
"Well come on, princess" she chuckled.
I smiled then road my penny board behind her as she lead the way ti her house. I didn't realize she lived a lot closer than i thought.
She lives just 3 blocks away from me.
We pulled up a damaged drive way, which lead to a brown and white house.
Two story.
"Its not perfect, but hey its some thing...right?" she asked.
Hailey walked up on the little porch as i followed.
Before we even made it to the door i could hear the dogs barking...AND THEY SOUND BIG!!
She opened the door as she pushed back what I'm assuming a dog or two.
"Bruno get back" Hailey yelled pushing a brown coated pitbull.

Its coming at me!!!

"AHHH!!" I screamed as i ran back words.
She grabbed the chain calor and pulled the dog back as she was laughing.
"BUB!" She yelled.
A boy shorter than her, but looked older than her.
He looks just like her, but his hair is a lot darker than hers came out.
He grabbed the dog, Bruno, and lead it back into the house.
Hailey walked over to me and put her arm on my shoulder.
"Well come in."
We walked in when i seen a little dog run out to my feet and jump on me. The dog was a little red and white border miniature collie.
"Aww" i smiled as i bent down and pet the dog.
"That's my dog" Hailey smiled. "Her name is Dixie."
"Hi Dixie! Hi Dixie!" i laughed as i rubbed behind her ears.
Dixie jumped down as i continued inside. The kitchen was much smaller than mine, but really cute.

The kitchen was hooked to the living room.
I noticed a sign that said All because two people fell in love
And a bunch of pictures of Hailey her brother and another girl i think is her sister, and a woman and a man I'd assume is her mom and dad.

Danm. she looks just like that man, i think her dad.

  We walked around which was a dining room and a set of stairs hooked to it. We headed up stairs as she locked the door at the bottom of the steps.
We walked upstairs in a little pink room.
There was a little girl, the same one from the picture down stairs. She was sitting on a bed playing on her phone. I noticed a little door with a sign on it which read
"Haileys Room
"Hey Hai- who's that?" the girl said.
"Hello Lauren, this is Weston." she said slowly like she was signalling something.
"Ohhh the boy you can stop bla bla blaing about?" she smirked.
Hailey unlocked the door and quickly shoved me in the room.
She shut the door.
Music was playing..sorta loud from a black radio sitting on her dresser. She had like a thousand horse stuff everywhere and that one girl with blond hair every girl likes, what ever her name is.

(Note: ladies I'm sure you know who I'm talking about, Mrs. Monroe, most guys don't know her soooo....)

"Here" Hailey pointed to her bed. "Sit!"

"Soo you cant shut up about me aye?" i smirked.


Danm. What you thinks gonna happen??? Whats Hailey gonna say?  Danmmmmmmm shes stuck

Take me as I am or watch me as I go//Weston KouryWhere stories live. Discover now