(Chapter 1) The Meeting

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"(Y/N)!" A voice called. "5 more minutes." You toss and turn in your bed trying to get back to sleep. "(Y/N), get up now!" You feel someone shaking you. "Leave me alone." You whisper. Someone then yanks the covers off of you and grabs you legs to pull you out of bed and onto the floor. You open your eyes to see your mom. "Why would you do this?" you ask. Your mom just walks away and closes your door. You finally decide to get up and you put on your school clothes. After you got done with your morning routines, you go to the kitchen and grab something to eat before saying goodbye to your parents. You are now one your way to school just walking along. You stop by your friends house to wait on her to go to school. "Where is she?" you ask yourself. "Boo!" "Ahhhh!" You scream as a person jumps out at you. "Hahahaha!" You look to see your friend, Amy, laughing. "Very funny, jerk." "Aww did I scare the princess?" she says wiping a fake tear. You look at Amy with her short brown hair, milk chocolate skin, and dark brown eyes. "Well come on princess, we don't want to be late." She starts walking.

You both walk to school and finally arrive there after 5 minutes and meet up with your other friend. "Hey have you guys heard of the two twins?" Your friend Grace asks. You look at Grace with her medium blond hair, light peach skin, and hazel eyes. "No what about them?" Amy asks. "I heard that their filthy rich and super hot." "So that's what the girls are fangirling about." you say. "Yeah but you won't stand a chance." You turn around to see Rachel. A girl with long blond hair, green eyes, and peach skin. "What do you want Rachel?" Grace asks. "For all of you losers to back off of the twins." "Why would we do that?" Amy asks. "Cause they are my dream come true!" she says spinning around. "What, they're finally taking you to the vet to get fixed?" Amy asked. You all chuckle at Amy's question. "No you idiot, they are my ticket to fame and glory." Rachel says. "How are they your ticket?" You ask. "I'm going to marry one of them and become filthy rich and a superstar." she says. "Suuurrreee." Amy says. Rachel walks away not before turning around to say something. "You don't stand a chance." And then she was gone.

You all continue your day and go to your first class. After your first class you go to your locker and then outside. "Hey guys." you say. You all begin to talk until you spot a group of girl crowded around something. "Wonder what they're doing." Grace says. "Oh my gosh you guys are so cool!" one of the girls shouts. "Please eat lunch with us!" other one says. The group breaks to show two figures. Not only two figures but 2 twins. "Sorry girls can't today." They both say. The twin with their long blue hair, blue eyes to match, perfect skin, handsome smiles, tall and muscular. They were like a dream come true. After shooing the group of girls away they spot you. They give you a wink and a smile then begin to walk away. "What...was...that?" You ask. Grace and Amy look as confused as you do. "I have no idea but they seem to like you." Grace says. "I got my eye on them." Amy says.

You all go back into school and to your next class. You sit in your desk and get out your textbook. After the rest of the class enters so does the teacher. "Alright so t-" The teacher beings to talk but is soon interrupted by two boy walking into the class, the twins. "Sorry we're late." One of them says. "That's okay please take your seats, Ross and Ethan." The teacher says. You look to see that the only two seats open are on both sides of you. The two boys take a seat next to you. "Okay now today we will be learning about Elements." As the class goes on you sneak glances at the boys just to see them staring at you. "Alright class you may talk among yourselves." You begin to calm down hoping the boys will talk to others. Instead you hear chairs moving closer to you. You continue to look down until a hand pulls your chin up. "Well hello pretty lady." one of the twin says. You eyes get wide as you move your face from his hand. "Shy, are we?" You then feel a hand move though your hair. "Your (H/C) hair is so pretty, (Y/N)." They get closer and closer. "H-how do you know my name?" "That doesn't matter." They get even closer. "Please go away." you say. "Tell you what, we want to play a game." says the one on the left. "Let's play ,who's who?" the one on the right says. "If you want us to leave you will guess right." "So if you win, we'll leave." They start to lean back away from you. "But if you lose we get a prize of our choice." You look at them both. "What kind of prize?" you ask. "That's our choice." They look at you with a child like look. "So who's Ethan and who's Ross?" They stare you down again. "Choose wisely." They both say. You think of who could be who but get no where. "Tick tock." the one on the right says. You get frustrated and say a answer. "Ross on the right, Ethan on the left." you say. You look at them for a answer. They look at each other and giggle. "Oh no, she got it wrong." they both say. Your heart stops as you hear their answer. "Now time for our prize." they say. "What do you want?" You ask. "We want a kiss on the cheek." Ethan says. You look at him with confusion. "So I have to kiss you?" you ask. "No silly, we want to kiss you." Ross says. You ponder it for a second. "No take backs." "Fine just hurry." you say closing your eyes. You hear them snicker and you feel the air around you get warm. You then feel 2 pairs of lips on your cheeks for what felt like forever and then they were gone. You open your eyes to see both of the boys smiling. The bell then rings and the boys get up to leave. "Let's play more games later, (Y/N)." they both say and then leave. You just sit there with your face hot and red still with the felling of the boys' kiss on your cheeks. "Why me?"

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