(Chapter 15) Witness: Tim Yorkdrove

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"Hmmm," you say to yourself. You are in the limo going to the mall where Tim worked at. You were looking over the file that the twins and Alfred gave you on Tim with his information on the right side and photo of him on the left.. Name:Tim Ronald Yorkdrove: Age:23 (even though his hair color is kinda strange for his age.) Height:6'5" Eye color:Dark Brown Job:Professional Fashion Designer "W-what?" you say. You look at the file closer and notice something odd. In his profile it says that his hair color is blond. "H-how can his hair be b-blond?" The first time you say Tim his hair was white but not old person white hair more like a anime snow white hair. "Weird." "We have arrived, Miss (Y/N)." said the driver. You exit the limo and head inside the mall.

You reach Tim's store and walk in. You scan the store for Tim. "Ah there he is." You spot Tim helping a lady next to the shoes. He spots you and smiles. He gets done helping the woman and walks over to you. "Why hello, detective (Y/N)." he says. You chuckle at his comment. "Hello Mr.Yorkdrove-" "Oh please call me Tim." "Oh um Tim, I guess the twins have already told you?" you ask. He nods his head and smile. "Yes they have, they told me a lovely detective will be coming to interview me." You blush at his words and you can hear him chuckling a little. "Well Miss (Y/N) I have a nice place where we can start the interview, if you will follow me." You follow Tim to the back of the store to a small hallway. You both enter the second door on the left.

Once you enter the room, you come into the office. The office had a big wooden desk, some pictures on it, with a leather rolling chair behind it. Two chairs in front the desk and it kinda had a old theme to it. Tim goes behind the desk and takes a seat. He motions you to take a seat in one of the chairs. You sit in the chair and put the file and journal on your lap. "So let the interview begin." Tim said. "Yes but can I ask a quick question?" you ask. "Go right ahead detective." "So in your profile it says that your hair is...." You open the file and look in it. "Blond but... well um....you see.." you stutter out. Tim chuckles a bit and blushes a light pink. He scratches the back of his head as he turns a darker red. "Well..you see....um what had happened was.." He continues to stutter but then lets out a sigh. "Well the story is that one day, like a year back, I wanted to bleach my hair and had one of my friends to do it." He smiles a bit still tomato red in the face. "But then something happened and when I saw my hair it was just like this but my friend told me I looked handsome and cool now." "Ohhh okay, I see." you say. Tim looks away,still with his cheeks red, puts his elbow on the desk and his hand on his cheek and pouts. "I look old, don't I?" he ask. "Oh no no no, I was just curious!" you yell trying to make him feel better. Actually Tim didn't look old at all, he really looked young. There isn't a wrinkle on him, and his face look smooth like a young person's. His goatee made him look older but he was still handsome either way. "But enough with making me blush, let's start the interview." His blush finally calms down an he smiles at you.

"So what can you tell me about the twins' parents?" you ask. You put the profile on the desk and pick up the journal and a pencil then prepare to write. "Well their names are Dave Wrath and Amanda Wrath." Tim says. "They actually helped me start my fashion line and can to the store for also every attire they needed." "So they we're helpful and loyal?" you ask. Tim nods his head. "Since fashion design was labeled a girl's job, I usually got messed with for it, you know the common thing like being called a sissy or being called gay, even though gay is not a insult." You nod you head and start writing. "But when I met Amanda and Dave, they made sure that anyone who messed with me didn't do it again." "What do you mean by that?" you ask. "Well all I know is that I haven't see the people who messed with me in a long time." You write that down and wait for Tim to say more. "Um oh and that's when they introduced me to the twins, who I became friends with straight away." He shows you a picture. It has him in the middle and the twins on both sides, smiling brights with Tim's arms around both of them. "Did you notice anything about the twins?" "No not really but I know that they are little heart breakers but awesome boys." "But one other thing is that the twins and their parents never really spent time together because Amanda and Dave always had work to do." You again write this down. "What kind of work?" you ask. "I don't know, they never told me." "Anything else?" "Oh I don't know when they left but I haven't seen them in 3 mouths."

You were writing in your journal but when you looked up something shocked you. Tim's once dark brown eyes were now blue. "Just like Ethan and Ross." you whisper. "What was that detective?" Tim asks. You shake you head. "Well I think thins concludes this interview, Tim." you say as you stand up. "Wait one more thing, detective." You look at Tim in his cold now blue eyes. He crossed his right leg over his left and leaned back in his chair, with his hand on his chin. "You investigating very well but I want you to know that whatever you find, something will always be.." He pauses for a moment and looks at you with a wicked ,cold smile. "Missing~" Once he said that one word, the room got cold. His smile got bigger to show what looked to be fangs. "Uhhh" you stutter as you back away to the door. His cold blue eyes, snow white hair, and smile with fangs. You shutter at the way he looked at you. "What's wrong (Y/N)~" he asked. The way he said your name made you blush madly. "How about you co-" *Knock Knock* Tim's wicked smile goes away. "Come in." he says with a cheerful tone. The door slowly opens and in walks a employee. "Sorry to interrupt but there is someone who needs you advice, Mr.Yorkdrove." said the employee. "Okay I'm on my way." The door closes and when you look back at Tim he was back to normal. "Well have a nice day detective, I'll lead you out." He takes your hand and leads you to the front of the story and out. "Bye bye.." he pauses and gets close to your ear. "Detective~"

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