(Chapter 5) Back Again

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*Beep Beep* "H-huh?" *Beep Beep* You jump awake and scan the room. You were in your room. "W-was it a dream?" you ask. *Beep Beep* You turn off your alarm and do you're morning routine but a little slower. You leave for school and catch up with Amy and Grace. "So you had a dream about them?" Amy asks. "Y-yeah and it was weird." You think about the dream again. "Is K-Keith still here?" you asked. "(Y/N), Keith went missing." Grace says. "W-what?" "Yeah on the news they said Keith was last seen coming home from school but never made it home." Amy says. "The twins." you whisper. "What?" Grace asks. "N-nothing." "We're going to get going, we'll see you later." Amy says. "O-ok." Once they leave you sigh. "Hello (Y/N)~" a familiar voice says. You turn to see the twins once again. "U-umm, I-I g-" Before you could finish they grab you and drag you back into the janitor's closet. They push you up against the wall and prevent you from leaving. "What's wrong, (Y/N)?" one of them asks. They look at you with playful smiles. "Hey Ethan?" Ross asks. "Yeah,Ross?" "How do you think that guy Keith feels?" Ethan shrugs his shoulders. "I hope he feels terrible, mentally and physically." Ethan says. "Yeah he hurt our precious little doll so he had to pay." You look wide eyed at them. "Don't worry, (Y/N) we won't let anyone hurt you." Ross says. "We made sure he was out of the way." Ethan says. They take both of your arms and pin them over your head. "You're all ours." they both say. They get closer and closer. "We love you." You squirm out of their grasp and run out of the room. You make a break for it into the girls bathroom.

"Oh gosh, I knew they were crazy but not that crazy." You catch your breath and try to leave the bathroom until someone grabs you. You turn around to see Rachel. "Didn't I tell you to back off?" she says. You let out a annoyed sigh. "Why can't you just leave them alone?" "Why can't they leave me alone?!" you yell. "They don't want you, they'll be over you in a heartbeat." she says. "Look you can have them." you say. "I will but you need to back off." You sigh again and just leave the bathroom. *Riiiinnngggg* There's the bell. You go to your class and see the twins. They give you a smile and wink. You get though the lesson and go to your next class. After your classes it's time for lunch. You sit alone and eat slowly.

"Mind if we sit here?" A voice asks. Two people sit next to you. It was the twins yet again. You really didn't want to bother with them. "Are you okay, our little doll?" one of them asks. You didn't know what was bothering you but you didn't want to talk about it. "Let's play a game." "No I don't want to play a game." you says. "Oh come on (Y/N), it's just Who's who." one of them says. "No." you say. "Come on (Y/N)." "I said no." "Plllleeeaasssee." they both beg like little children. They pout at you with a really cute face. They look at you with puppy eyes and a child like pout. "Please just one game, we promise." They lay their heads on your shoulders and look at you with their big blue eyes. "I-I said n-no." you say. You try to look away but they were so cute. "Pretty please (Y/N), we just want one game." They look at you teary eyed. "Alright fine!" you yell. "Yay!" they yell. "Okay so we're playing who's who?" you ask. "Yep so start." You look at them and try to figure out who's who. "Umm Ethan on the right and Ross on the left." you say. You wait for a response. They look at each other with a smile. "Yay, she got it right!" they celebrate. "For your prize you get sweets." Ethan says. Ross gives you a small box of little candies. "T-thanks." you say. You pop a small candy into your mouth and it tasted amazing. Your face changes into a bright smile as you chew on the candy. "We're glad you like them." Ross says. You just nod your head and eat another candy. They look at you with amusement. They both kiss you on the cheek but you don't mind it this time. After lunch you leave for your next class. Through out the day you see the twins as if they were stalking you.

"Hey (Y/N)!" Amy yells. You wave at Amy and Grace. You walk home with them. "It's Friday, Friday!" Amy yells. "Please don't sing." Grace says. "Why you don't like me singing?" "No one likes you singing, Amy." you say. "Oh yeah well, La la la la la!" she yells. You both cover your ears at here singing. You all go on your different ways home. You walk home but feel eyes on you. You begin to walk faster home. Once you finally reach home you close the door and lock it. You eat and go up stairs to do your night routine. Once you are in bed you get on youtube and watch some videos. Once it gets late you crawl into bed and try to drift of into sleep. You can't help but think about the twins. You don't want to tell anyone because you're afraid the twins will do something bad. "What's up with them?" you ask yourself. You look out of your window and slowly go to sleep. "They're *Yawn* just weird." As you drift off to sleep you think you hear a slight noise. You think nothing of it and finally go to sleep. (Twins pov) "She looks so cute when she's sleeping." Ross says. "Yeah she's ours now." Ethan says. Ross and Ethan go through your drawers and closets. "We'll have to get her more clothes." "Yeah and cuter ones too so we can dress her up." Ethan says. They walk over to you. Ross places his hand on her cheek. She smiles a bit. "So cute~" They both give a good night kiss. "We'll be playing with you soon, our little doll~"

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