(Chapter 12)Day 4

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*Beep Beep* "Not again...." you sigh. *Beep Beep* You reach out to turn off the alarm but someone else already has. "Huh?" You look up to see Alfred. "Good Morning, Miss (Y/N)." he says. You sit up and rub your eyes. You see Alfred and smile gently. "G-good Morning Alfred, um what are you doing in here?" you ask. "Wait how did I get in here, I remember falling asleep on the couch." "The young masters brought you to your room, and I came to tell you that your school day for today has been canceled." "What, why?" "Something about a power outage." Alfred looks at you with his kind emerald green eyes and then gives you a smile. You get off of the bed and try to stand up but your legs are asleep so you fell forward. "W-woah!" you yell as you fall. You prepared for impact but never hit the floor. "Huh?" You look to see that Alfred has captured you in his arms. "Are you alright,Miss (Y/N)!" he yelled. You look up into his eyes and almost felt like you were in a trance. "Miss (Y/N)?" Alfred called out. You fell out of the trance and snapped back. "Oh I'm sorry!" You scramble to get back on your feet. You blushed as you look down at your feet. "It's okay Miss (Y/N)." Alfred said. "U-um Alfred, how long have you worked here?" you asked. "Well I've been here for sometime now, I've been taking care of the Young Masters." Alfred said. "So you were here when their parents were?" "Yes but if you want to know more about their parents, you'll have to ask them." He gave you one last smile before turning to leave. "Oh and one more thing Miss (Y/N)." He turned to you. "Your parents wanted you to call them as soon as you can." Then he was gone. You never thought about it but Alfred was handsome. Something about his eyes, black slicked back hair, and his proper, gentleman like attitude was something new. "Oh I sound call my parents."

*Ring Ring* *Ring Ring* "Hello?" says your mom. "Hey mom!" you yell. "Hey sweetie, how are you?" "I'm good, what about you and dad?" "We're fine." she says. "Speak for yourself woman!" you hear your dad yell. "What wrong with dad this time?" "What do you mean by this time, silly child!" your dad yells. "Your dad was at a meeting and he accidentally spilled coffee on his shirt." your mom said. You laugh as you hear your dad yell about someone sabotaged his to make him spill it. You talk to your parents for the next couple of minutes. "Well sorry sweetie but I got to go and help your dad before he goes crazy." you mom said "I'm not going crazy!" he yells. "Alright bye guys." you say. "Bye sweetie." "Bye buggy bug!" your dad yells. You end the call and pocket your phone.

You go downstairs and to the dinning room. "Hello (Y/N)!" Both of the twins yell. You wave at them and take a seat. "So what do you want to do for the day?" "I-I don't know." you say quietly. "Ross I know there was a good ice cream shop and cafe not to far from here." Ethan said. "That sound great!" Ross yells. "We can even go for a walk in the park!" You smile at the suggestion. You all eat breakfast and go get ready for the plan of the day. *Knock Knock* You go over and open the door. "Is our lovely (Y/N) ready?" they both ask. You nod your head. They held out their hands, waiting for you to take them. You slowly take their hands and they lead you down stairs. "Young Masters don't forget to call if something comes up." Alfred says. "Okay, Alfred!" they both yell cheerfully. They lead you to the limo and climb in. You all drive until you reach a small ice cream shop. They lead you inside and start to order.

"What can I get you today?" a cheerful worker asks. The twins place their orders and the worker waits for you to place yours. "Um I'll have (Favorite ice cream flavor) please." you said. The worker smiles as she begins to prepare your ice cream. "Hey Ethan let's have a ice cream contest!" Ross says excitingly. "Ross you know what happened last time we did that." Ethan said. "Yeah but it was fun." "Yeah I bet that 5 minute long brain freeze was amazing." Ethan says sarcastically. "Your ice creams are ready." The worker hands you your ice cream and the twins pay. You all walk out of the ice cream shop and towards the park. "Let's go sit on the bench." Ross says. You sit on the bench and eat your ice cream together. After sometime you all got done and relaxed on the bench. Ethan looked over to Ross and chuckled. "What?" Ross asked. "You got ice cream on your face." he laughed. "Where?" Ross moved his hand all over his face. "Not there, no not there either." Ethan said. "Where then!" Ross yelled. Ethan grabbed Ross's hand and shoved it on his mouth. "There, dummy!" Ethan yelled. You laughed at the twins playfulness. "Hey!" Ross yelled. Ross then grabbed Ethan's head and hit Ethan with it. "Why are you hitting yourself, why are you hitting yourself?" Ross said playfully. Ethan snatched his hand away and death glared Ross. "Uh oh." Ross jumped up and ran around the bench. Ethan chased after him. They both ran around and around the bench. You laughed again at their silliness. Ross then suddenly grabbed you and pulled you in front of him as a shield. "Try to get me now!" He said. Ethan looked at Ross and then you. "Fine you win." Ethan said. Ross gives a victorious smile and hugs you. You sit back down on the bench. Ross then does a celebration dance. "I win, I win, I-" Before Ross could say anything else, Ethan grabbed him and put him in a headlock. "Who's the winner now?" he asked. He ruffled Ross's hair. "Okay okay, you win!" Ross yelled.

Ethan let Ross go and they both sat down on the bench. Ross tried to fix his hair and Ethan gave a smile. You looked around the park and actually felt relaxed. Maybe being with the twins isn't so bad. They lean their head on your shoulders and let out a sigh.

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