I do really want you back <3

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“Good morning” Damon smiled at me as I woke up.

“Morning you” I smiled burying my face in his chest.

“So was this one night or did you mean it?” he asked stroking my hair.

“I meant it Damon, but things are going to be different this time” I pulled away to look at him.

“how different” he questioned.

“we are going to talk more, I don’t mean every day, I am not expecting you to suddenly open up, but I have a few questions that I need answering” I told him sitting up.

“ok” Damon nodded and also sat up.

“why did you never ask to drink my blood when I was human?” I quizzed.

“because I didn’t want you to see the vamped up face. Trust me I wanted to and on occasions I came close, but I just didn’t want to scare you or hurt you” he shrugged.

“that never bothered you before with other girls” I commented.

“and did I spend 72 years with those other girls” he asked.

“no. Next one; would you have ever told me about the Katherine thing” I had started him with an easy question that I had always meant to ask, this was the question that I really wanted the answer to.

“eventually, probably. Would you have taken it better if I had?” he enquired as he played with my hair.

“I don’t know Damon, I am not sure what hurt most; the finding out, you not telling me, or me finding out from that bitch. Speaking of which, what happened to her?” I sighed.

“we all ran off to look for you, she was gone when we got back” Damon shrugged.

“you not telling me” I muttered.

“what?” he frowned.

“that's what hurt the most” I whispered.

“I would have, I was going to...” Damon began.

“when Damon, when were you going to tell me” I questioned, not convinced he would have.

“the morning after. I talked to Stefan about it first and he told me not to, he said that it would cause you unnecessary heartbreak” Damon rested his head on my shoulder.

“ok. Now this one is going to hurt...” I warned him, he nodded and prepared himself for it.

“Katherine told me I would always be second best, that if you were given the chance, you would go off with her. Is that true, what if she hadn’t have turned down your offer and is that why you always put off marrying me” I asked leaning my head on top of his.

“Marti, you are not second best, I love you, you are my first choice. If she hadn’t have turned me down I would have gone off with her and realised what a mistake I had made, a stupid drunken mistake, but then it would have been too late. No she is not the reason I put off marrying you, it is because I never thought I was good enough for you, I am not good enough for you. It is because I was not ready to accept that you loved me, that someone for once actually cared about me rather than Stefan” he breathed.

“love and care, present tense” I whispered into his hair.

“I was not ready to accept that you love or care about me” he corrected.

Still choosing you Damon SalvatoreWhere stories live. Discover now