Chapter Seven

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  • Dedicated to DaisyJasper. I know you love this chapter. ;D lol

Seven – Pete

Angela teleported me to her room. I looked around at the black walls. There were no windows and only one lamp. I flicked some of my light brown hair out of my blue veined face. Angela walked to the bed and sat on it. I sat next to her.

                “Are you going to kill Lucy?” She asked.

                “I have to.” I replied. She nodded, but she looked guilty. “Why? Did you want to.”

                “Well, I’m always open to the idea.” She answered. “I mean, I did hate her mother before, you know, Jack kinda killed her.” She frowned. “But if he killed Lisa and sold Lucy to a foster home, why does he care about her so much?”

                “Well, Jack was actually the one who was meant to kill Lucy.” I explained, already getting angry about the thought of my little brother. “But because he’s such a fucking idiot and gets soft too easily, he couldn’t bring himself to kill her. He’s such a basted! I can’t believe that I am related to such a mother fu—”

                “Aww, Pete, he’s not that bad.” Angela interrupted. “I think it’s kind of good that he has feelings.”

                That statement only succeeded in making me angrier. I stood up quickly. “You like him don’t you?” I accused.

                Angela stood slowly. “I think he’s cute…Oh…you mean... Pete! How could you accuse me of that?!”

                “I can see it in your face!” I cried, my voice rising. “Whenever you talk about him you try not to smile!”

                She looked shocked. “Okay, I admit, I used to like him. Keyword: ‘used’! But now, my heart belongs to you. Pete, I love you and only you.”

                Anger still spiralled within me. I didn’t want to hear her say she used to love the brother that I hate the most. I turned away and banged my hands hard against the wall and yelled in anger. Clenching my teeth I rested my head against it, breathing heavily and linking my hands behind my head. I heard Angela walk over to me and wrapped her arms around my waist, hugging me from the back.

                “Pete. You have to understand that I can’t leave you.” She reassured. “I can’t leave you because I love you. So much.” She kissed my back. “I love you.” She slipped her hands under my light blue t-shirt and lifted it above my head.

                I turned around and watched at her eyes raked down my torso. I breathed out and opened my arms to her and she pressed herself against me. We romantically embraced each other.

                “Angela.” I mumbled. “I love you too.” I lowered my head to her neck and breathed in her scent. Her beautiful and unique scent. “You have no idea.” I kissed her neck and together we fell on the bed and made love many times during the night. But my heart sank as I knew I had to leave her again soon…


When my eyes opened, it was morning. I was so surprised that I slept through the whole night. MY happy spirits were soon crushed through. I had to go to school today. I’m sure that my friends did not like me anymore. But I didn’t understand why. It was my dad’s fault that the brothers didn’t turn up at school not mine! I looked next to me. Emma was curled up next to me, sleeping, but woke once I got out of bed. I slipped into my school uniform and then trudged downstairs with Emma close behind me. No one was awake yet, but I can look after myself. I quickly made myself some toast and cheese. I sighed and sat next to Emma on the floor, sharing my toast with her.

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