Chapter Two.

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E D I T E D.
Samee's POV.
On our way to our  different classrooms,I bumped into the last person I would have ever thought of meeting on that Monday morning.

Guess who it was?

The one,the only and the most annoying Alexander Macaulay.

This guy has come again this early morning.


"Hi Alex"

And as expected he started walking down with me to the senior class block talking none stop about things which I really had no interest in,all I could do was say either 'yeah ikr' or just give him a nod with a smile.

This guy is the most annoying creature I've seen today.

We finally got to the senior block and parted ways as he was a science student and I, a humanities student.

Suddenly I was held from behind,I turned ready to greet who ever that was with a sound slap on the face only to see my Bestfriend,Maryam who I call 'baby' behind me.

"Haan calm down babe, its just me. Fierce much huh?"

"Sorry. I just thought it was one of those guys who go about everything in skirts"

With a sigh I give her a 'thank God' look and she mutters an 'ikr' in between giggles. We were Walking  to class, gisting about latest stuffs when I noticed we were getting weird looks from students around. I turned to her and asked,

"is it just me or do you also notice it?"

"Notice what?"

And that was when she looked around.

"speaking about latest's, haven't you heard?"

With much interest I asked,

"heard what?" She laughed hysterically leaving me in suspense.

"Baby, please spill!"

"okay they think you guys are dating"

I give her a confused look.

"who is 'you guys'?"

She rolled her eyes before replying,

"You & Alex of course"

"WHAT? " I exclaimed.

That hit me so hard.

"How can they even say that? First off,that guy annoys the crap out of me. I really don't know why but i don't like him,i don't like his guts, and when you dislike someone, the chances of 'dating' that someone is at 0.00%. Secondly,not with everything that's happening at home, I don't even have time for myself talk more of time for any 'dating thing' please give me a break".

We were finally in class,we were about to sit down when she asked

"so Samee,what's actually going on back home? Same thing?"

I gave her a nod.

She pats me on my shoulder before sighing.

"everything will be just fine In Shaa Allah. Just have faith."

I give her a small smile and raise my eyebrows, teasing her

"ina ruwan special advicer dinnan"

She was about to leave when I gave her the why are you leaving look.

"over there"

I looked up and saw Muhammad & Ameenah coming towards us

Oh Good gracious.

"what do they want now?"

Mary laughed and murmured 'a new drama coming up and I can surely afford to miss it" as she made for the door.

Immediately they came in I asked them,

"Mey ya faru?" They looked at each other before replying.

"its break time"

"So what"? I asked them.

I had actually forgotten that Dad gave me their lunch money to help them hold.

"Oh Kuyi hakuri"

I gave them their money and was expecting them to leave but no,they were looking at each others hands.

"miyene? Ba duk daya bahne koh mey?"

"His own looks newer"

"Common Ameenah why are you doing this to me?"I asked her feeling very frustrated. Muhammad just hissed and walked out leaving me with an annoying Aminah. I collected hers and changed it,she thanked me before walking out

"You are most certainly not welcome"


Second chappie done. Dont forget to Vote and comment.

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