Chapter Twenty-Eight.

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U n e d i t e d.
Haneef's POV.
I watched as the pigeons in the park ate from the palm of my hands,they looked so free and happy, nothing really bothered them.

While I on the other hand? I couldn't even think straight. I kept remembering my convo with Khadeey. I really wanted to be known,not only by her mom but also her dad,in fact her whole family but there was a problem.

One that could only be solved by me swallowing my pride and forgiving. I don't exactly know why I was finding it hard to forgive him, maybe because as his son he didn't believe me,he chose to believe some woman he called his wife.It hurt me pretty bad but I know if I want to take such a big step in my life I had to let them know.

Him,my mom,Adnan and My sister. I miss her so much words can't explain how much.

Walking out of the park,I made a desicion, for the sake of me,my happiness and for the sake Allah, I was going to put this behind me. Besides, who are we not to forgive when Allah SWA Himself forgives us?

Everything looked quite the same,nothing changed. I put on a warm smile and pressed the doorbell,I heard shuffling from inside before the door finally flung open.

Immediately I knew who it was,Asiya. She had her head down looking at her legs, she finally raised her head up and I saw her mouth form an "o" shape. She shut the door and opened it again looking at me,like trying to make sure it's not just her imagination, she pinched her cheeks,blinked once,twice before finally muttering something.

"Ya Haneef?" It came out more like a question.

"Qanwa ta"

"Ya Haneef! Its really you, how could you? I.. I.."

I didn't give her a chance to complete her sentence when I engulfed her in a hug. We stayed like that for some minutes before she broke our hug, the next thing i felt was a really bad punch directly on my tummy.

She ushered me in and excused herself after muttering a "serves you right" which she thinks i didnt hear. I walked around the house, different memories came flashing back,suddenly I felt a tear drop on my hand.

I don't blame her tho, I deserve worse.

Asiya came back with Baba trailing behind her,it looked as if he also couldn't believe that I was standing in front of him, I was because I let go of the anger in my heart.

"Ina wuni baba" I squatted


"I'm sorry baba. I'm sorry for the hurt I caused you I'm sorry for leaving you,I'm so so--"

"No Haneef I'm the one who's sorry,for not believing you,for not trusting you enough,for not being a good father, I'm so so--"

"Baba please don't.." I engulfed him in a bone crushing hug.

He told me about how she confessed everything and how much he regretted letting our mom go. My heart sank. I could see it in his eyes,he really feels bad about it.

Adnan came in and had the same surprised expression, I'm sure Asiya already told him about it. Even thou he's a really reserved person, we got along.

We talked and I told Baba about my intentions with Khadijah. He was happy for me and told me if it was really what I wanted then He's fine with it.

"Eh mama I'm very sure about it, yes please mama. I love you,thank you so much"

"I love you too son, in shaa Allah I'll talk to you dad and we'll go this weekend and see her parents".

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