Chapter 9

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Hudson's POV:

Today was my day. There was no rain in the sky and no early hospital appointments. My bullies hadn't come looking for me yet and I was now safe in the library reading. It had finally happened. The perfect day was here. Now you're probably wondering why I'm so happy and why this is such a good day. Well let me explain that to you with one word. Flynn.

Yes the boy I met two weeks ago was making me this happy. I couldn't help it he was like a ray of sunshine that always seemed to make my day brighter. That sounds cheesy doesn't it? Oh well it was the truth. The boy with the coloured hair and lip ring was all I could think about. He was amazing and had the most amazing smile. Well smirk but still it's really cute. Someday I hope that I can make him smile the way he makes me. He just makes me really happy that I feel like I have butterflies in my stomach. It's hard not to think about him but I have to try and stop myself so I can work on my education.

What am I doing?! I have a book to read! I can't keep thinking about Flynn he's ruining me too much. I need to stop. But for some reason whenever I try it doesn't work he just keeps coming back into my mind. I can't seem to concentrate on anything but him now. I can't even concentrate on school! I think I might be in love which may sound cheesy and very unrealistic but I swear it's not. He is just amazing and I know I've only known him for two weeks but he is just amazing. I always wonder if he thinks about me just as much as I think about him. I wonder if he likes me just as much as I like him.

Of course he doesn't. He's not that type of guy to fall for someone so quickly. It must take him a long time to fall for someone. Whereas I take two weeks to be in love with someone. What's wrong with me?! I had to stop thinking like this, so I read my book but that didn't help because Flynn kept popping up in my mind. I sighed as I placed my book down beside me and looked around the library. I spotted someone sat by themself. A girl. Maybe I could try and make friends with someone so I could not be so lonely and not think about Flynn all the time. I never really tried to make friends so this was my time to shine. I just hoped she liked me.

I got up off the ground and grabbed my book and bag and took a deep breath before I nervously walked over to the girl. Once I had reached her she looked up at me and smiled. She was very pretty and I reckon she could have gotten any guy to like her with just one smile towards them. Her face was perfectly shaped and she had amazing blue eyes. Her blonde hair fell just above her shoulders and was curled. She looked very nice to say the least.

"Hey I'm Hudson," I greeted her with a hand, awaiting her to shake it.

"Lucy," she smiled at me before she pointed at the seat beside her, "would you like to sit?"

I nodded my head before I sat down beside her. She went back to the work that she was doing leaving me to look like a total idiot as I peered over her arm to see what she was doing. It got a little awkward when she looked up at me and smiled. She probably is wondering what I'm doing.

"Sorry this must look really weird," I laughed a little.

"It's not at all trust me I do stuff like that all the time," Lucy said to me, "that's probably why I don't have any friends."

"You don't have any friends?" I asked. She looked at me and shook her head as a small smile appeared on her face.

"I'll be your friend," I said without thinking but looking back on it now I didn't really care.

"Really?" Lucy asked.

"Yeah I don't have any friends either," I shrugged my shoulders.

"Well hello new friend," Lucy said in a funny accent which made me laugh.

"Now what are you doing here? You seem stuck," I said as I looked over at the piece of paper my blonde haired friend had in front of her.

"I am stuck I have no idea what to do," Lucy sighed as she leaned back in the chair, "would you be able to help me?"

"What grade is this?" Hudson asked as he picked up the paper.

"Grade 11," the girl beside me sighed again.

"I'm in grade 11!" I exclaimed. That made her sit up in her seat and smile at me.

"Really?" She asked excitedly.

"Yup what line are you on?" I asked the girl. She handed me her timetable and I looked over it. It made sense now. I didn't have any classes with her that's why I didn't know her.

"We don't have any classes together," I pouted.

"That sucks," Lucy said as she grabbed her table, "maybe we should meet up here every lunch break."

"That sounds like an awesome idea," I smiled at her.

"So it's settled?" She asked and I nodded my head enthusiastically.

"Now let's look at this homework," I offered her a smile and she accepted it with a huge grin.


A/N: I'm so, like, sorry that I haven't updated in forever. I apologise so much for that and I hope that you can forgive me.

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