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The D.E.O was bustling with people, it had been a busy day. J'onn was monitoring any suspicious activity on the screen. A light flashes, alerting him to a sudden spurt of energy on the outskirts of National City."Supergirl, I might need you for this one." J'onn says briefly looking behind him.Kara broke away from her conversation and walked up to J'onn.
"What is it?" she said.
"I'm not sure yet. Can we get a camera on it?" he asked the team.
CCTV footage flashed up on the screen, showing a streak of red lightning running across it. Kara gasped.
She ran out of the D.E.O and flew faster than she had ever done before to the field she had seen on the footage. Thoughts were racing through her mind, wondering why he had come back and whether it was on purpose. He could be in trouble and need her help. All she knew was that whatever he needed she would be there for him.
When she reached the meadow she scanned the area for Barry, finally resting her eyes on a picnic blanket set underneath a tree with Barry sat on it. She landed, looking quite confused but ultimately ecstatic that Barry was here.
"Hello" she said with a smile.
"Long time no see" he said, getting up and giving her a hug. Kara returned the hug, a bit too hard.
"Hey, can you hold back on the alien strength a bit?" Barry said, laughing.
"Sorry," Kara replied "I'm just so happy to see you, I missed you a lot."
"And I missed you, Kara Zor-El. Which is why I decided to pay you a little visit."
"I didn't know you could just 'pay a little visit' to another universe." Kara laughed.
"Well it's a bit more than that, it took a lot of energy to get here, but I figured you were worth it."
"Oh really?"
"Yes, and I even put in the effort and made us a picnic," he smiled.
"Wow, really showing your culinary expertise." she teased.
"Oh you'll really be blown away, come on sit down." Barry and Kara sat down on the blanket, the picnic basket between them. He opened it up to reveal some doughnuts.
"You really know the way to a girl's heart," she laughed "Now how did you know these were my favourite?" She held up a doughnut with blue icing on and red sprinkles.
"Lucky guess?" he laughed.
As they sat enjoying the doughnuts in the sun, they exchanged stories about what had happened since Barry had returned to his Earth. After running out of stories there was a period of silence before Barry broke it.
"You know in all of these stories there has been one thing missing." Barry said, looking out into the meadow.
"What's that?"
"You," Barry said looking into Kara's eyes, "You're the reason I've come back, I've missed you beyond belief."
Kara blushed. "I've missed you too, every day I hoped you would come back but I never expected you to.""And I suppose while I'm here, there's something I didn't tell you before... I love you, Girl of Steel." "I love you too, Scarlet Speedster." Kara leaned towards Barry and they both met in an embrace.Without warning, a loud crash was heard and the ground shuddered. Kara and Barry broke away from each other and stood up. A few metres in front of them was a gigantic, smoking crater and at the centre was a black box. Kara and Barry looked at each other with wide eyes."What is that?" Barry said.
"I don't know, but it can't be good." Kara replied.Kara jumped down into the crater and began inspecting the box."Kara, be careful." Barry said, sounding worried."Girl of steel, remember?" she replied as she looked around the crater.Kara got out her phone and called Alex."Alex, something just fell out of the sky did you get any readings?""Yes, we're bringing a team over now. Keep away from it until we get there, we don't know what it's capable of." she replied. Kara put the phone down and within minutes she could hear the rumble of engines coming.A helicopter appeared overhead and cars pulled up. Agents of the D.E.O flooded the area. J'onn appeared with Alex by his side."Kara come out of there till we know it's safe." Alex said. She held out an arm and Kara took it, climbing up the steep incline. She reached the top and stood next to Barry. "Not exactly a perfect day." she said with an apologetic look."It happens, but I'm by your side so I'm in the right place." Kara hugged Barry whispering "I love you" in his ear.Behind them, J'onn cleared his throat. Kara and Barry broke away and turned towards him."We need to clear the area to do some tests, are you two joining us?" he said.
"I will," Kara said "Barry?"
"I'll go anywhere with you." Barry said.

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