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  Kara slowly opened her eyes to the morning sun seeping in through the windows, she stretched slowly then stopped when she heard a soft thump from across the room. She looked over and saw Barry hopping on one leg trying to put his socks on. He glanced up at her and a guilty smile passed over his face.
"Sorry I woke you." he said.
"Doesn't matter, I should be getting up anyway." she said, swinging her legs onto the floor.
"Feel any better?" he inquired, trying to flatten his hair in the mirror.
"Not really, still feel tired." she replied, grabbing some clothes.
"How about a coffee? That'll perk you up," he said, "My treat."
"Good idea," Kara replied.

The coffee shop was filled with people, as usual, from young groups of schoolchildren to business men and women in suits with briefcases by their sides. Barry and Kara headed to the back of the shop and took a table, away from all the talkative groups. Barry went to order and returned with two steaming mugs of coffee. They sat for a while in silence, sipping the coffee. Kara looked at Barry through the rising steam from the cups, he was looking around the shop with interest.
"It's weird, no matter which Earth you're on, the coffee shops always look the same" He took a sip of his coffee, "and the coffee tastes the same too."
Kara laughed, "Well at least you still have your home comforts."
He took another sip, "Yeah." he said talking through his coffee. Suddenly, his phone started ringing. He jumped slightly and put the coffee down on the table. He picked up his phone.
"Hello?" he listened to what they said and sighed, "Okay, I'll be right over." He put the phone back in his pocket and looked apologetically at Kara. "They need me at work."
"Duty calls," Kara replied smiling, "I'll see you later." She got up and hugged him before he left for the police department. She sat back down and finished her coffee, watching the people chatting animatedly around her. She watched as their eyes filled with interest and their hands waved around, telling their stories. She could hear snippets of conversation, some talking over recent crushes, others about a news report. She brought the cup to her lips only to realise it was empty. She put it down and got up to leave, pushing through the double doors onto the street. The fresh air hit her as she left the lingering smell of coffee behind. The wind blew through her hair as she walked seemingly aimlessly down the street. Her phone started ringing in her pocket. She brought the phone to her ear.
"Hello?" she said.
"Hey Kara," she smiled at the sound of Alex's voice. "There's been a robbery at the bank, can you go to it?" she asked.
"I'm on my way." Kara put the phone down, "Duty calls for me as well." she said to herself quietly.
Kara arrived at the scene with a thump as she hit the ground, she hadn't flown as fast as she could have done before on the way there but she put that down to exhaustion. Her eyes scanned the scene before her. People were running from the building in waves, though it didn't seem like anyone was hurt. She launched forward into the bank and found the same man in robotic armour that she had faced the day before.
He grinned madly at her, his eyes sparkling, "Hello Supergirl, nice to finally meet you one on one." he raised his gun lazily at the people rushing past.
"Put the gun down before I hit you so hard you fly off this planet." Kara said with a snarl.
"Tempting offer but I have a job to do."
"Oh really?
"Yes, really. I'm glad you made it here alone, makes things a whole lot easier. Especially in your weakened state." he laughed at Kara's momentarily confused face. She started towards him but he was one step ahead. He kicked out at her and she stumbled but regained her balance. Her fists punched out but met with a clang against his robotic suit. The man raised his gun and shot a single beam out towards Kara, she tried to dodge it but she was too slow. The beam hit her squarely in the chest. She fell to the ground and saw him approach her and raise the gun once more. She tried to push herself up but her body was too weak. He shot another beam, Kara saw the bright blue flash before darkness engulfed her.

As Barry left the National City Police Department, making his way down the corridors, he felt his phone ring in his pocket. He juggled the files in his hands and managed to reach it and bring it to his ear, holding it in place with his shoulder.
"Hey Alex, what's up?" he said.
"Are you with Kara?" she replied, a sense of urgency in her voice. Barry grabbed hold of the phone with his hand.
"No, I've been at work all day, they called me in for an emergency. Why, what's wrong?"
"She attended a bank robbery but we lost contact with her, no one's seen or heard from her since." Barry's heart started racing.
"I'm coming in." he put the phone down and ran down the corridors, he dumped the files on a nearby desk and raced to the D.E.O.

"Where is she?" Barry demanded as he appeared in a streak of red lightning before them.
"We've got teams out looking, there's no sign of her anywhere." Alex said, she put a hand to her face before clearing her throat. "The last known place she was was the bank."
"There should be cameras all over the bank can we tap into one of those to see if we can see what happened?" Barry said, he turned to Winn who was sat nearby listening into the conversation with a worried look on his face. He turned towards his computers and started typing, trying to break into the security footage from the time of the attack. Winn clicked one last time and brought the footage up onto the screen. The three of them watched in silence as they witnessed Kara being dragged away by the attacker. Barry heard Alex suck in a breath next to him.
"I've scanned the area and there's traces of kryptonite, it must have been used in the gun." Winn said quietly.
Barry suddenly looked up, "Can we find out where that kryptonite is now?" he said. Winn turned back to the computer, he brought up a map onscreen with a red light flashing on the outskirts of National City.
"It's in a factory that shut down a few years ago." Winn said.
Barry looked at Alex and Winn. "That's where we need to go."  

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