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Pain rocked through Barry's body and he screamed in agony, falling to his knees. The man laughed above him. Despite his blurry vision, Barry reached out and hit the man's legs, he fell to the floor and Barry pinned him down. He was breathing heavily as he towered over the man.
"You took her from me!" he shouted, looking directly into his eyes. The man just kept smiling, blood was now trickling from his nose. Barry screamed with rage and punched him, knocking him out. He sat for a moment then after seemingly coming to his senses, stood back up and ran to Kara. His hands were shaking as he broke the restraints and pulled the wires off her. With nothing holding her up, she crumpled to the floor. Barry knelt next to her, holding her head.
"Kara, wake up. Please Kara!" Barry rested his head against hers, "Please." he whispered. Suddenly Barry heard a crash, the other door was now lying flat on the floor and D.E.O agents were rushing in, closely followed by four men who had presumably been the guards. Bullets ricocheted off the walls and the shouting was deafening. Barry stood up to fight but the pain of the stab wound was still there. He held his hand over it and started making his way over to them. J'onn looked over the crowd mid-fight and noticed. "Barry you need to get Kara out of here, we'll deal with this." he said, promptly flooring the man he was fighting with. Barry nodded, more people started flowing into the room and J'onn nodded once more. "Run Barry!" That was all he needed. Barry went to Kara's side and gently picked her up, ignoring his own aching pain. Her head rested against his chest, he could feel her weak heartbeat. He weaved through the crowds and out of the building, making his way to the D.E.O.

Barry arrived at the D.E.O and placed Kara on a bed. Winn ran up to him.
"Hey, is she okay? Where is everyone?" he said, a concerned look.
"They're all still fighting, more of them came. Kara- I couldn't wake her up- I need to see her." Barry tried to follow the bed Kara was on but he gasped in pain and grabbed the wall. He removed his hand from his wound and it was covered in blood. Winn looked at him wide eyed.

"You're hurt, you need to get checked out." He said.

"I'm fine, I'll heal, I need to see Kara." He tried to brush Winn off but he kept hold of his shoulders and started steering him to another bed.

"You need to get checked out anyway, and you know Kara would say the same thing. Come on." Winn signalled to one of the medics and Barry sat on the bed to get checked out. He winced as a medic dabbed at his wound, cleaning it. Barry knew it had to be done but he couldn't bear to be apart from Kara. As soon as they had stitched him up he ran to Kara's side.

The room was silent when Barry walked in, with people quietly working and moving around Kara. She was lying under sunlamps looking so small and vulnerable Barry just wanted to hold her and never let go. Barry had been assured by doctors that she would be fine and should be waking up soon but until he could look into her eyes and see for himself that she was fine he could feel a ball of worry growing in his stomach. He sat down beside her and held her hand, hoping that doing so would anchor her to him and bring her back.

Back at the warehouse, the fight was still ongoing. J'onn was growing tired from the never-ending stream of people coming through. He knew they couldn't beat them. Not today anyway. He signalled to the rest of the D.E.O agents to move out. He led the way back through the dark tunnels. Someone stumbled behind him and he grabbed onto them, their arm over his shoulder. There were injuries to tend to but they got what they came for. Despite the fight, he had a feeling it had been too easy.

A stream of D.E.O agents entered the medical bay, Barry looked up as he heard them. They were all nursing some kind of injury. He looked back at Kara and wished she could see how much they wanted her back, how much they were willing to risk for her. J'onn walked in and stood beside Barry.
"We didn't defeat them. We couldn't. There were too many of them, they took us by surprise." J'onn said.
"We'll get them. What matters is we have Kara back with us, where she belongs." J'onn nodded and went to get checked out. Barry felt Kara's hand stir beneath his own. His head whipped around quickly.
"Kara? Hey it's me, Barry." Kara slowly opened her eyes and blinked.
"What-" she tried to get up.
Barry pushed her gently back down. "Hey it's okay, don't get up too fast."
"But I was in the warehouse I-" A confused expression washed over her face.
"I know- we came for you- we got you out of there. You won't ever go back there again." Barry felt his eyes welling up but he blinked back the tears. "I'm so glad we have you back." he said. Barry stroked her hair and Kara closed her eyes. 

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