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J'onn signalled to the D.E.O agents to clear the area. Barry began to walk around the crater, looking at the marks on the ground. Kara watched him with a smile, glad that she got to do her job with the man she loved most in the world. Barry turned and saw her watching, he smiled back. Kara turned towards the box and tried to scan it with her X-ray vision but she couldn't see anything. Alex walked over to her.
"See anything?" she asked.
"Nothing, there must be something blocking my vision."
"We'll need to take it back to the D.E.O for more tests to find out exactly what it is." Alex stood for a moment contemplating the box, then walked away towards J'onn to report the information and receive her next instructions.
A car pulled up a few metres away and Winn got out, his arms full of equipment. He walked over to the side of the crater and dumped the equipment down, pulling out one of the tablets. He held it up to the box and started pressing buttons with a look of concentration on his face. The look of concentration slowly turned to confusion as he realised he was not able to get any data from the box. J'onn walked over to Winn to see what the problem was, Winn explained that he couldn't get anything from the box. J'onn sighed and turned to Kara and Barry.
"Looks like we can't get any readings from the box out here, we'll need to move it to the D.E.O for further testing and to get it out of the way of the public." he gestured to the crowd that was already forming a short distance away. J'onn waved at two D.E.O agents who came forward and tried to lift the box. Failing that, they attached straps around the box and attempted to have the helicopter lift it. However, this did not work either as the helicopter struggled to lift the apparent colossal weight. J'onn sighed and turned to Kara.
"Supergirl, would you mind?" he said. Kara stopped her conversation and jumped down into the crater. She placed her arms around the box and tried to lift it, but to no avail. She frowned and stepped back, not knowing how she could not lift it. Barry joined her in the crater and they both started looking around the box for clues as to why it could not be moved.
"Maybe there's something holding it down." Kara said. Barry circled the box once more, kneeling down to get a closer look.
"It doesn't look like it." he said, he stood up and scratched his head, looking over at Kara, "Seems like a mystery." J'onn stepped towards the edge of the crater to see what was happening.
"It won't budge." Kara said, looking up at him.
"Well it looks like we're not moving it any time soon," he waved Alex over "we'll need to build a barrier around this area and we'll need agents watching-" J'onn was cut off by a high pitched sound that suddenly rung out. Everyone was silent as they looked around for the source of the noise but it seemed to be coming from far away. All of the D.E.O agents held up their guns but they didn't know what to point them at. All of a sudden, the box started to rise up from the crater. Kara exchanged a shocked look with Barry. They both got out of the crater just as the box shot off into the distance.
"Can we follow it?" Kara asked J'onn.
"It's too dangerous, we don't know what it's capable of now it has woken up." he replied.
Barry stepped forward, "Can we track it and find out where it's going?" he asked. J'onn looked at Winn.
"I have a tracking device," he said, holding up a small black object, "but it needs to be on the box to actually track it." Kara took the tracking device from Winn.
"I can just fly up and put this on, right?" she said.
"Yes, I've already set it up so it should go straight on." Winn replied. Kara held the tracking device tightly in her hand, ready to set off.
Barry came over to her, "Be careful," he said, touching her arm, "Like J'onn said, we don't know what it's capable of."
"I will." Kara replied with a smile. She flew up into the sky and fixed her vision on the black box in the distance that was slowly getting further away. She shot off towards the box, gradually getting closer to it. She sped up and finally caught up to it. She reached out her hand with the tracker in and tried to place it on the box. She could see the box getting further away with each attempt to put the tracker on. She flew faster and reached out to place the tracker but as she let go she missed and the tracker fell through the air towards the ground. She flew after it but it was too fast for her to catch up. She was going to lose their only chance at tracking the box. Suddenly, she saw a streak of red lightning beneath her. Barry caught the tracker just before it hit the ground.
"Lost something?" she heard him laugh in her ear. "I'll throw it to you, catch!" Barry threw the tracker and Kara made a dive in mid air and caught it. She breathed a sigh of relief.
"Thanks." she said back. She looked at the box again, it was now even further away. Determined to do it this time, Kara set off flying faster than she had ever flown before. She reached the box and with a strong burst of energy, attached the tracker to the box. She stopped and watched the box carry on it's journey. Kara turned and flew back to Barry who had since reached the others. She dropped down onto the ground beside Barry.
"Can you track it now?" she asked Winn.
"Yes, it's all working perfectly." Kara breathed a sigh of relief, it worked.
They all returned to the D.E.O, leaving a couple of agents to watch over the now vacant crater. J'onn walked in and ordered Winn to get up the tracking device on screen to see where the box was now. He folded his arms as Winn typed away, the map appearing on the big screen in front of them all.
"It looks like it's in a warehouse, not too far from where it landed actually." Winn said. Kara walked in with Barry by her side.
"Shall we go there?" She asked J'onn.
"Not until we know what we're up against, but it might be worth checking it out." J'onn replied, "But do not go in." He warned.
Kara and Barry set off towards the warehouse and arrived to an eerily quiet scene. It had gotten dark, she could only just see the outline of the warehouse from the soft glow of the street light.
"I'll check the perimeter." Barry said before jetting off. Kara stood looking at the building, it looked normal. There was no hole in the side where the box could have crashed through or any sign of life at all. She used her X-ray vision to see what was going on inside. She could see a man leaning over the now open box. It looked like he was taking some kind of weapon out of it. He held it up in the air as if admiring it, Kara squinted but couldn't see exactly what it was from where she stood though she could sense it was dangerous. Barry came running back to her side.
"Nothing unusual around the perimeter," he said. "Can you see anything?"
"Yes, someone's in there with the box. He took some kind of weapon out of it, possibly a gun?" she replied, still trying to see further.
"We'd better report that to J'onn, he'll want to know if there's any suspicious alien tech around- and we'll be able to come up with a plan then." Barry said. Kara nodded. Touching her ear, she spoke to J'onn.
"There's someone in there, they took what looks like a weapon out of the box. What do you want us to do?" she said.
"We can't warrant any further action until we know the facts. We'll investigate it further but we have other issues to deal with first." he replied.
"Okay." she said.
Kara looked at Barry, "Come on," she said and flew off. Barry followed on the ground and they ended up back in the field where Barry first arrived. Barry ran up beside Kara.
"Race you up that hill." she said, pointing. Kara set off flying with Barry running, he got there first. They lay down on the grass and looked up at the sky. It was dark and the stars twinkled like holes in the fabric of the universe. Kara always loved to look at the stars, it reminded her of home somehow. How she would look out of her bedroom window on Krypton and wonder what it was like to travel among them. She missed her planet everyday but she loved her life on Earth, especially the people that made it so good. She looked across at Barry lying next to her on the grass, looking up into the sky. She was so grateful to him for coming back to her and making her life so wonderful. She smiled to herself.
Barry looked over to her, "I don't remember saying something funny," he said smiling.
Kara looked at him, their eyes meeting. She gazed into his eyes, minutes seemed like hours as she was swallowed in his gaze.
"I love you." she said finally.
"Well that's good, it would have been disappointing if you didn't after I came all this way." he said laughing. Kara sat up and looked out over the city she had dedicated her life to protecting and felt a surge of happiness that she got to do it with the person she loved most in the world.
Barry sat up, "Home?" he said. Kara nodded. They both stood up and took one last look over the bright lights of National City.
"I think I'm going to like it here." Barry said before they both set off for Kara's apartment.

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