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The National City Police Department resided in a big grey building that loomed over National City. Barry and Kara were walking out of it and down the steps.
"I can't believe I got the job!" Barry said, almost shouting.
Kara smiled, "You've got Maggie to thank for that, and Alex for convincing her to put a good word in for you." Kara laughed.

"Next time we see them we'll invite them to dinner so we can say thank you properly." he said, beaming.

They walked in silence for a few moments before Kara spoke. "I'm proud of you, I know it's hard leaving everything you had on your Earth.".

"Yeah, but it helps that I can still visit them. And I have you, and you make everything worthwhile." They stopped to hug, as they broke apart Barry gently moved a piece of hair out of Kara's face and looked into her eyes. They both jumped apart at the sound of their phones ringing. Kara got her phone out and sighed, it was the D.E.O.

"Back to work." she said, they both set off for the D.E.O.

They arrived outside and walked into the building to be greeted by crowds of people rushing everywhere. The noise was deafening. People were shouting over each other, the noise getting louder and louder. Kara spotted Alex in the midst of the crowd, taking charge. She made her way through the crowd with Barry in tow.

"Hey Alex, what do you need us for?" Kara said.

Alex turned around to see her sister, relief rushed through her. "I'm glad you're here, there's been multiple attacks around the city. We have no idea what's caused all of this but we're going to need your help sorting them out."

Barry looked concerned, "All around the city? Is there any pattern to the attacks?"

"That's what we're looking for, but so far they seem completely random." Alex replied, she turned around and was handed a tablet which she starts flicking through images on. "Pictures from eyewitnesses have just come in." She showed Kara and Barry.

"It looks like they have a weapon," Kara said, zooming in on the picture. "Is there any information on that? Could it be linked to the one from the box?"

"We're looking into it but we don't know yet."

"Great." Barry said sarcastically. "We'd better get going." Kara nodded and they both set off towards the scene of the attack.

They arrived to a scene of chaos. People were running around frantically, not knowing where to go. In the centre of it was a man dressed in what appeared to be a suit of armour, only it was more robotic. He was holding a large black gun and was shooting blue sonic beams out of it into the crowd. Kara looked around trying to assess the situation.

"We need to get everyone to safety." she said.

"I'm on it." Barry replied before setting off. He ran through the crowd picking people up one by one and taking them to safety. Kara began to approach the man, who was slowly running out of targets to shoot. He turned towards her and laughed.

"Ah Supergirl! I was beginning to think you wouldn't make it. I see you brought a little friend too." his finger traced the red lightning that was weaving through the crowd.

"You need to stop this now." Kara said sharply.

"But I've only just got started and it's so much fun!" he laughed, stepping forward. Kara stepped forward too, her fists poised to attack. The man raised his gun and sent waves of blue sonic beams at the last few stragglers. Kara flew at him, ready to punch him, but just as she did he caught her fist in his hand and laughed.

"Is that all you've got?" he sneered. He spun her around by the fist and let go, sending her flying through the air and landing on a nearby car, crushing it. Kara groaned but got back up, rubbing her back, and tried again. This time she tried her heat vision but the beam from his gun met it and sent sparks flying everywhere. She flew at him, landing a kick on his stomach. He stumbled slightly, giving Kara an advantage. She punched him repeatedly but nothing seemed to go through his armour. He managed to regain his composure and retaliated. He shot a blue sonic beam right at Kara, forcing her to the ground. He stood over her with his gun pointed, Kara trying desperately to get up. Suddenly, Barry appeared. He looked shocked at the scene of Kara on the ground unable to do anything. He ran at the man standing over her with a look of pure rage on his face. He fired a lightning-powered punch right at him, making him land with a thud a few metres away from them. Barry turned to Kara and helped her up. The man had stood back up. He grinned madly at them.

"You have your little friend now Supergirl, but just you wait." Barry ran at him but just as he reached him he pressed a button on the arm of his suit and disappeared into thin air, laughing wildly. Barry looked around for him but he was nowhere to be seen. He turned to Kara, about to say something when he saw her stumble. He ran forward and caught her.

"You okay?" he said, looking worried.

"I'm fine." she replied, looking absently at the spot where the man had disappeared. "That had to be alien technology." Barry followed her gaze to the now vacant street.

"Certainly looked like it, we'd better get back to the D.E.O." Kara nodded and they both set off.

Barry arrived at the D.E.O first and waited for Kara. She landed next to him and stumbled, leaning against the wall for support. Barry ran over to her and put her arm around his neck.

"I don't need help." Kara protested.

"Well I'm giving it to you anyway." he said, Kara stopped resisting and sighed, letting him lead her into the D.E.O.

They arrived to a much calmer scene than when they left. Alex and J'onn walked up to them.

"Looks like all the attacks stopped once you arrived." J'onn said.

"It was almost like they were waiting for you to show up to one of them." Alex added. "But I'm glad you're back."

"We didn't defeat them," Kara said. "It looked like he teleported somewhere using alien technology."

"It might have been a bigger threat than we anticipated, I'll send some agents out." J'onn said. "In the meantime, you need to get checked out."

Barry led Kara to the medical bay. She sat down on the chair and sighed. Barry stroked her hair and she looked up at him. "It'll be okay." he said.

When the tests were done Kara left the medical bay to find Barry. He was stood outside the door waiting for her.

"Well?" he said.

"They can't find anything wrong with me, I guess I just used my powers too much." she replied.

"Well if they can't find anything wrong with you surely that's a good sign?"

"It would be if I felt fine, but I still feel weaker than ever."

"You should go home and get some rest, you'll feel better in the morning." Kara nodded. He hugged her and she walked out of the D.E.O, leaving Barry looking worried.

Kara got home, she felt exhausted even though she hadn't done anything out of the ordinary. She wondered if everything had just finally caught up with her. She shook her head and went to bed, hoping that she'd feel better in the morning. A few moments later Barry joined her, he put his arm around her and she cuddled up to him. She couldn't help but smile.

A/N- Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed this chapter, let me know what you think in the comments and give it a vote if you liked it! More updates coming soon :)

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