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"You." Barry said, seething.

The robot man simply smiled as if he were greeting an old friend. More men gathered behind him, with matching weapons that glowed blue. They lurched forward to meet the D.E.O agents. J'onn transformed and marched forward, grabbing a gun and crushing it before throwing it to the floor. Kara and Barry joined them, fighting side by side. Kara kicked one of them in the face and they went barrelling into Barry who quickly dispatched them. Barry looked up at Kara and smiled, as he dodged a shot from someone. More of them were coming now but their weapons were quickly proving a tough match. Flashes of blue erupted everywhere. D.E.O agents were scattered on the floor. Kara took a hit and stumbled but she fought back harder. She punched someone in the jaw and sent them crumpling to the ground. Barry punched his way through the crowd to get back to Kara. He saw someone raise his gun at her and he ran at them, knocking them to the ground. He stood next to her and shouted over the fighting "We're getting overpowered, we can't win this.".

Kara blocked a punch before replying "They're weapons are too powerful, while they have them we're wasting our energy."

"We need to find a way to stop their weapons." Suddenly Barry had an idea. "The system- it must be powering them. We have to shut it down." Kara looked over to the machine and nodded.

"But how?"
"They only take a certain amount of blood to power it everyday. Maybe we could overload it, force it stop." Barry's voice didn't sound confident, but it was the only plan they have. He turned towards the machine and Kara grabbed his arm.

"Let me do this." she said, her eyes growing big with worry.
"My cells can regenerate faster than yours. I have to do this." she released his arm and nodded. Barry ran over to the machine and hooked his arm up again and copied what he saw the man doing before to start it. It started and Barry could feel the pull on his arm. He watched as Kara continued the fight, J'onn had reached her side. They punched and kicked but Barry could sense their energy was waning. A few more hits and they would be overpowered. Barry started to feel weaker and his head was pounding. The room started to swirl in his vision. He saw Kara glance over at him but she was pulled back to the fight. She fought harder now, blocking them from reaching Barry. The machine started beeping next to him, he hoped that meant it was working. Barry slumped onto the floor, he could barely see in front of him. Sparks flew off the machine and he saw the distant glow of their weapons dim and fade. It worked. The men pulled at their triggers a few more times before discarding their weapons. The D.E.O agents surged forward once more and easily beat them now that their weapons were useless. J'onn instructed them to round them up and arrest them. The agents responded at once and the men were driven to the floor and cuffed. Once they dealt with them, Kara ran over to Barry.
"Barry?" she said, holding his head. He looked very pale. Kara felt his pulse, it was weak but it was there. Barry groaned and opened his eyes slightly. "We did it." Kara whispered to him. Barry tried to lift his head up.
"George-" he muttered. Kara looked confused.
"What?" she replied. J'onn came over to them. "We have to get him back to the D.E.O." she told him.
Barry interrupted.
"The other metas they took, they're locked up down there." he gestured weakly in the direction he thought the corridor was in, which was hard considering the room hadn't stopped spinning.
Kara turned to J'onn. "The others and down there, we need to free them." J'onn nodded.
Kara turned back to Barry. "Are you okay to stand?" Barry nodded, and stood up. He leaned on Kara heavily. "It's my turn to save you." she said.

Barry opened his eyes to a bright white ceiling. He looked around and saw he was in the med bay. Kara looked up when she saw he was awake and smiled.
"Hey sleepyhead, how are you feeling?"
Barry tried to sit up and winced. "Sore, very sore." he said.
"Well you did decide to give away most of your blood."
"Yeah, not the best idea. But I suppose it worked."
"Like a charm." Kara ran her hand through his hair. "I'll let you get some rest." She kissed him on the head and left, closing the door quietly.

"You did a brave thing there, kid." he heard someone say from across the room. He looked towards the voice and saw George sat there with a grin on his face. Barry sat up and shrugged.

"I had to do something."

"Well you saved mine and countless others lives today." he walked over and held out a hand. Barry shook it. "Just wanted to thank you." he said. "I best be going now, see you around."

George left and Barry lay back against the bed again. He closed his eyes and drifted off.

When he woke again he felt a lot better, he got up out of the bed and slowly walked out of the room, still leaning slightly on the wall for support. He looked around for Kara and saw her already walking towards him. She hugged him.
"Feeling better?" she said.

"A lot."

Kara beamed "Good, we managed to arrest everyone at the scene. Plus we confiscated their tech- Winn's loving rummaging through that by the way." Barry nodded.
"Sorry, information overload there. The main thing is I have you back, and I'm never losing you again." she pulled him in and kissed him. Barry pulled away and stared into Kara's eyes.
"You know, we make a pretty good team, Girl of Steel." he said. Kara laughed.
"I suppose we do, Scarlet Speedster."

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