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Barry opened his eyes to the sound of a crash. He was still sat in the chair beside Kara's bed, his head resting on the bed. He must have fallen asleep there last night, he couldn't bear to leave her alone like that. Barry lifted his head up and stretched, when he opened his eyes he realised Kara wasn't in the bed. He looked around frantically and saw her coming into the room holding two cups. She looked pale, but better than yesterday. She smiled at him as she saw him watching.
"I thought you might like some coffee, it's been a busy night." She gave him the cup and sat down on the bed. Barry sat next to her and put his arm around her, pulling her in. The both sat for a while in silence, both knowing that whatever they said would not be enough. But it was enough just to be there for each other. Their heads snapped up as soon as J'onn ran into the room.
"There's been an attack on one of our agents, you need to be on high alert." he looked around the room as if searching for someone hidden in one of the corners.
"Do you think someone got in?" Barry said.
"We don't know yet, but it doesn't look good." J'onn replied.
"Is the agent okay?" Kara asked. J'onn looked at her for a moment before replying.
"She's in a bad way but we're hoping she'll make a full recovery. As soon as she wakes up we'll question her."
"I hope we find out who's done this." she said, looking worried.
Barry's face was concerned. "Whoever did this won't be getting anywhere near you, don't worry." He hugged her.

The D.E.O was quiet for the rest of the day, no one dared to look into each others eyes in case one of them was the attacker. Barry threw himself into the investigation, not wanting to put Kara at any risk. As he was talking to one of the agents he saw Kara approaching him out the corner of his eye. He turned around and walked over to her.
"You're meant to be recovering in the med bay." he said.
"I've been discharged, and besides I want to get back out there and catch whoever did this." Barry smiled, there was no way he was keeping Kara cooped up all day when there was a full scale investigation going on.
"Fine, but don't do too much, we've only just got you back." Kara nodded and went to take a look at the screens.
Winn was sat at the desk and looked up at her. "There's a robbery going on if you're up for it, but you should probably-" Kara had already flown out to the scene "-take Barry with you?" he finished. He looked at Barry who nodded then with a flash of lightning was gone.

Kara arrived at the robbery to find one man rooting through a jewellery store.
"It's gets kinda boring, seeing the same crimes over and over again." she said, watching him.

The robber stopped and looked up at her. He hesitated with a handful of expensive looking jewellery.

"Go ahead, take it. I'll let you off this time."

The robber looked confused. "You're letting me off?"

"Yeah, sure. Go on. Off you go." she waved her hands towards the back door.

The robber looked confused but backed out of the door slowly, keeping an eye on her the whole time in case it was a trick. Kara turned and walked towards the door. Suddenly Barry appeared in a flash of lightning before her.
"Where is he? Did you catch him?"
"He got away." Kara frowned.
Barry's face softened. "It's okay, maybe you weren't ready to be back out here." he pulled her into his arms. "Come on, let's get you back."

Kara nodded and then ran back to the D.E.O.

As they got back to the D.E.O Barry sent Kara back to the medical bay. J'onn walked over to Barry.
"He got away?" he said, crossing his arms.
"Yeah, I knew she wasn't ready to do any fighting but I held some hope she could beat a mundane robbery. Guess she needs more time." he replied. J'onn nodded and walked away. Barry looked back towards the med bay and saw Kara sat on the bed. He wandered over to her.
"I thought I was ready." she said.
"You just need to give yourself a little more time."

Alex ran into the room, "The agent that got attacked is awake, thought you would want to talk to her." she said to Barry. She looked over at Kara whose face was furrowed. "You okay?"
Kara looked up, quickly turning her face into a smile. "Yeah, just worried about the agent that's all."
"I'll be right back." Barry said, releasing her hand. He walked with Alex into another room. It had the same stark white interior and the rhythmic sound of beeps. The agent was lying on the bed, J'onn was sat beside her. As she opened her eyes J'onn leaned further in.
"Agent Jackson?" he said. Her eyes found his face and she looked confused.
"What happened?" she said as she sat up. Her dark hair fell around her face in tight curls. She touched her head and winced slightly.
"We were going to ask you the same question."
She thought for a moment before speaking. "I- was attacked, right outside the main server room. I think they wanted access to the room but I told them... only certain people were allowed access. I can't remember anything after that."

"Who was it that attacked you?"

Her eyes looked down for a second then she looked into J'onn eyes. "Supergirl."

No one in the room hid their surprise. Barry heard Alex gasp behind him. His mind was racing. Surely this wasn't true? Kara was hurt, barely able to fight an amateur robber nevermind a highly trained D.E.O agent. Barry looked at J'onn then back at her.
"Are you sure?" he said.


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