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"She can't have." Barry said as they walked out of the room.
"Until we have reason to disprove her testimony, we're going to have to assume it's true."

"But this is Kara we're talking about! She would never do something like this." Barry's temper was rising. He wasn't going to let someone accuse Kara like this. She would never do anything like this.

"Look, I'll ask Winn to recover the footage, until then we'll have to put her in the cells. We have to react to it." J'onn walked into Kara's room and stopped.

"You can't do-" Barry stopped and looked around the room. Kara wasn't there. J'onn sighed and turned back out the room. He told an agent to keep a lookout and to alert him if anyone saw her. The agent nodded and walked off.
"First things first, the footage. Then we need to find out exactly what she wanted in that room."

"Agent Schott!" J'onn called Winn over and told him about their discovery. "We need to recover that footage immediately and find out what records were accessed remotely from the server room at the time of the attack." Winn nodded silently and rushed back to his desk. Barry looked around in disbelief. All of these people readily accepted that it was Kara who had done this. His hands were fists. He was aware of how quick his breathing had gotten. He closed his eyes to try and stay calm.
"I've got the footage." Winn said, coming towards them. He brought it onto the screen and everyone watched in silence. They saw Kara attacking the agent before breaking into the server room. Winn looked at Barry with sympathy.

"What did she access from that room?" J'onn asked Winn. Winn looked down at his tablet and scrolled through it.

"Looks like she accessed the record of all aliens and metas in National City. She gave someone offsite access to the live record which means if we carry on updating it, they get the updates too." he said.
"We have to stop using that record immediately or we'll put more people in danger. Get the full list of people on there. We'll have to organise surveillance on the most high risk ones." J'onn instructed the team on what to do and they all dispersed, leaving just J'onn and Barry.

J'onn looked at him carefully. "We have proof now Barry, I don't know what they did to her when they captured her but it looks as though she's on their side now."

"I can get through to her. Please. I need to try."
J'onn nodded. "If you can find her before we do then feel free to try but I am responsible for keeping everyone safe, even from Kara." Barry turned away and left. He began searching all the possible places she could have gone to, but he couldn't find her. Winn started speaking to him over the comms.
"Hey, I probably shouldn't be telling you this but I thought you should know. D.E.O agents have found Kara, they're trying to capture her now over by NCPD." Barry rushed a thank you to Winn and ran over there.

He got to NCPD and quickly saw what was going on. D.E.O agents had their weapons trained on Supergirl, who was hovering above them. They kept shooting at her but she dodged all of them. Barry ran in front of the agents.
"Stop!" he shouted. None of them listened. All they saw was an alien who was a threat to them, not the kind, selfless hero that Barry knew.

"Get out of the way Flash or we'll have to shoot you too." one of them said, his gun pointing at Barry. Barry stepped back for a second before launching at them. He ran through them, disarming them before they could shoot at Kara again. But as he was close to the last person he saw them raise their gun and shoot. The bullet glowed green. Kryptonite. It hit Kara squarely in the chest as she was distracted by Barry's efforts. She fell to the ground and agents swooped in on her. They loaded her into a helicopter to the D.E.O. Barry looked down as they left. He thought he could stop them but he wasn't fast enough. He followed them back to the D.E.O.

As Barry walked into the D.E.O he was aware of everyone staring at him. He looked stonily ahead as he pushed through the crowd. J'onn approached him.
"She's in the cell if you want to talk to her." he said. Barry bit back and angry retort and merely nodded and headed there.
Kara was stood at the glass as Barry walked in the room.

"Are you okay?" he asked as he approached the glass.
"Well I just got locked up by people I thought were my friends so not really. I hate it in here." she sat down and her hair fell in her face.

"I'm sorry I tried to stop them. I don't believe it was you who did those things, they obviously forced you into it or tricked because the Kara I know would never do that."
Kara moved her hair out of the way and looked into Barry's eyes. "That means a lot." she smiled then hesitated for a second. "You know, you could get me out of here."
Barry looked confused. "I don't have access, only J'onn does and there's no way I can convince-" Kara interrupted him.

"No I mean you could... phase me out."
"I don't think that would work in your favour with everyone."
"Please Barry," she sounded like she was crying. "I'm so scared, I hate it in here."
"Okay." Barry said, he couldn't bear to see her like this. He phased into the cell and took hold of Kara and phased back out again. He let go of her and she turned around, smiling at him.
"Thanks" she said. Her smile grew as she raised her fist and punched Barry. He fell against the glass of the cell, his head hitting it hard. He slumped against the wall as Kara flew up to the ceiling and burst through it, escaping into the city.

A few minutes later, Winn walked into the room. "Hey is everything okay I heard a loud noise-" he stopped and saw Barry slumped against the wall. His eyes widened as he looked from the empty cell to the hole in the ceiling. He ran over to Barry and knelt next to him. Barry groaned and touched his head.
"I need to find her." Barry said, looking up at Winn. Winn didn't say anything, but helped Barry up. His phone buzzed in his pocket.
He sighed "Looks like you won't need to find her." He showed Barry his phone. It was a live news report showing Kara fighting a few blocks away. Barry ran. Winn sighed and lowered his arm that had just been helping Barry up a moment ago. He shook his head and left the room.

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