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Barry ran to where he had seen Kara. He found her hovering above a cowering man. He was dressed in a suit and a briefcase was on the ground near him. He must have come from one of the nearby offices, he looked closer and saw the man was covered in scales and had small horns, an alien. The man was bloodied as if he had been thrown around. Kara dropped to the ground in front of him and looked as though she was taunting him, but Barry was too far away to hear what she was saying. He made a split-second decision to get the man out of here. He ran over to him and took him to safe place. Barry returned to Kara within seconds and they stood face to face.
"Did you not learn your lesson?" she said. She aimed a punch at him but he dodged it, ready for her.
"I know this isn't you." he said. Kara just laughed.
"You can't save everyone, Barry."
"I can try." Kara punched him again, this time it connected with his face. Barry wiped the blood from his nose and blocked her next hit. Kara grabbed him and flew up into the air before dropping him. Barry fell to the ground with a painful crack. He was breathing heavily. He slowly got up as Kara flew down again.
"You've got no chance." she said. Her eyes started to glow red and Barry knew if he didn't go now he was going to be pulverized.
"Kill me then." he said, looking her in the eyes.
"What?" Kara seemed taken aback.
"If you hate me so much then just kill me. Get it over with. I don't want to live in a world where Kara Danvers kills the innocent on some random orders." he stepped forward and grabbed her hand. "You could do it right now. Go on." he held her hand up to his chest. Kara looked at him with confusion, she could feel his fast heartbeat through his suit. Her face screwed up and she pulled her hand back. She looked down at her hands as the red glow in her eyes ebbed away.
"No." she whispered. Tears were trickling down her cheeks. "I'm sorry." she flew off into the distance. Barry watched as he lost sight of her. People started gathering around the scene now, Barry knew he had to find Kara again to check she was okay. He wasn't sure where to start searching for her, he only found her this time because he had help. Suddenly it struck him, he knew exactly where she would have gone.

Barry arrived at the field where Kara had found him all that time ago. He scanned the area and sure enough sat under the tree where they had their picnic was Kara. She had her knees drawn up to her chest, her head resting on them. Barry walked slowly up the hill and sat next to her.
"I'm afraid I don't have a picnic this time." he said. Kara turned her head towards him and he could see she had tear streaks down her face.
"I don't deserve one anyway." Barry's face softened. He moved a piece of hair from her face and wiped a tear away.
"It wasn't your fault. It could have happened to any of us." she turned her head away again as if she couldn't bear to look at him.
"I don't know how I'll ever face anyone again, how they'll ever trust me."
"They will, with time. You can take all the time you need to have a break."
"No, I need to defeat them, after all they've done to me- and to others. They're taking the aliens and metas from the list, that's why I was hurting that poor man." Barry nodded.
"J'onn will want to know that, come on." he held out his hand and she grasped it.

Barry accompanied Kara back to the D.E.O, he'd told J'onn they were coming back and she was fine- or as fine as she could be. Barry still felt the eyes of everyone on them as they walked in, he even saw a few put a hand on their gun. He held onto Kara's hand and guided her away from the stares. J'onn merely nodded a greeting to them.

"They're taking the aliens and metahumans from the list but we don't know why." Barry said to everyone. "I think we should send someone in to infiltrate their base and find out what they're doing."
"I agree." J'onn said.

"I'd like to volunteer myself." Barry said.
"No." Kara said immediately.

"Think about it, you can add me to the list as a registered meta and they'll take me to their base themselves." No one objected to that.

"You are putting yourself in danger, we don't know what they do to those they capture." J'onn said.
"I know, but there isn't another way." Everyone agreed except Kara.

"I can't lose you." she said, pulling him aside.

"You won't, once I'm in I can give you information so that you can all storm the building and shut them down. I'll be fine."

Kara agreed reluctantly and Barry told Winn to add his name to the list.

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