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After Winn added Barry's name to the list Barry found everything rather anticlimactic. He knew they weren't going to come for him straight away, and if they did he would need to be out in the open for them to find him. He decided to wander around the city for the day and wait to be captured. Kara had tried to convince him to let her go with him but he said it would be easier and less suspicious if he was alone. Barry set off around the city, he window shopped for the most part- something he hadn't had chance to do since he got here was shop. He treated himself to a milkshake and strolled down the street. He turned a corner into a deserted street when a black van pulled up in front of him.
"Oh come on, I just bought this milkshake." he said. Two men came at him and sent his milkshake flying, Barry looked at it sadly as it hit the ground and spilt. He put up a bit of a fight but mostly just took the hits. He ended up bloodied and bruised and shoved in the back of their van. The ride was dark and rocky, Barry fell against the side of the van every time they hit a pothole. Eventually they arrived. The back doors of the van swung open and one of the men dragged Barry out of it. Barry scanned the area as they walked him down the corridors. They shoved him against the wall and cuffed him with power dampeners. They opened up a door and pushed him into a dark room before slamming the door. When Barry's eyes adjusted to the light he realised he was not the only person in there. It was crammed with people- he assumed all of them were aliens or metahumans who had been on the list. He tried to smile at some of them as he shuffled back but all of them looked dejectedly back at him. He touched his earpiece and whispered to the team back at the D.E.O.
"I'm in, they led me down loads of corridors and put me in this room- there's lots of people in here." he was glad they hadn't thought to check he had an earpiece. The line stayed silent. He wasn't sure they had even got the message. He hoped they had.

Just then the door started being unlocked. "Hey- psst- you." someone said behind Barry. "Get back here or they'll take you." Barry shuffled back next to the person who had spoke. The door opened and a man walked in and grabbed someone who was nearest the door. He dragged them out and the door slammed again. Barry hardly breathed for a minute before breathing a sigh of relief.
"Thanks." he said. He could make out the person who sat next to him now. He sat with his legs up to his chest, his clothes were dirty and ripped.
"I'm George." he said, holding out his hand. Barry shook it.
"Barry." he looked back towards the door. "What is going to happen to them?"
"No one knows- none of them ever return thats for sure." he said.
"I need to know what's going on here, I need to stop it." Barry said.
"There's no getting out of here, I've seen people try. Best thing to do is stay back, keep quiet."
"How often do they come for someone?"
"Every few hours. They only ever take 3 per day."
"How many has there been today?"
"The one you just saw was the second, they'll be back in a few hours."
Barry nodded. He had already formed his plan.
When Barry heard the sound of the door unlocking again he spoke again to the team.
"If you can hear me, and I hope you can, I'm going in. Now would be a great time to attack. Don't fancy getting pulverised today." he took a deep breath and scooted forward so he was right by the door. He heard George whispering frantically behind him but he ignored him. He looked back at him and smiled. "I'll come back for you." he said. Then the door opened.

They took Barry straight away, dragging him down the corridors in the opposite way they came in. They took him into a small room and pushed him onto a chair next to a machine. They tied him to the chair, he tried to struggle but the straps were so strong that he couldn't move, and without his powers he was useless. Barry watched as they brought out a needle, he held it in the air before roughly sticking it into Barry's arm. Barry winced at the sharp pain, the man was pressing some buttons on the machine, he heard a beep and saw his blood started flowing into the machine. Barry looked away from the machine, he knew his cells would regenerate but he wasn't sure how fast after this. Barry felt he was getting weaker, but he fought to keep his eyes open. Then another man came in and looked at the machine.
"It's nearly at full capacity. Turn it off." he instructed the other man. He walked forward and pressed some buttons. The blood stopped flowing from him. He removed the needle.

"Should I dispose of this one?" he said gesturing to Barry.
He looked at Barry before speaking "Yes, we won't be needing him again." he left the room. It was just Barry and him left now. The man was big, but Barry thought he'd be able to take him, or at least stall him. He started to undo Barry's restraints and Barry felt a fraction of his powers return to him, he knew his window of opportunity was slim so he stood up and kicked the man's legs out from underneath him. He grunted as he stumbled but regained his composure and swung a hit at Barry. In his slightly weakened state, Barry's reflexes weren't perfect and the hit went straight into Barry's side, knocking him off balance. He fell to the floor and wrestled with him. In the distance he could hear footsteps, he hoped they were here to help him.
The door burst open and Kara appeared. She ran forward, followed by J'onn and other D.E.O agents. Barry breathed a sigh of relief and was then punched in the face in his moment of happiness. Kara ran at the man fighting Barry and knocked him unconscious.
"Are you okay?" Kara came running over to him.
"I'm fine. They've been draining aliens and metas of blood, I think it's to power a weapon."
"Indeed it is, very clever." the voice came from the doorway, Barry looked over and saw the man in the robotic suit standing there with a gun in his hands. "Of course, I can't let any of you get away with that information."  

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