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J'onn, Alex, Winn and Barry all gathered around the table along with other D.E.O agents. Having filled in J'onn on what they found they all agreed they needed to form a plan before rushing in. J'onn looked around the team that had assembled before him. He had picked the agents out himself, he only wanted the best for this important mission. He couldn't risk losing Kara.
"We have the floor plans for the factory when it was operational." he placed the papers on the table in front of them and spread them out. "We can't rely on these entirely and everyone must be aware that the floor plans could have changed." They all nodded in agreement. "There are already agents scouting the area from a distance but they haven't found much that can help us." He stopped and cleared his throat. "Our main aim is to rescue Supergirl, we leave as soon as we are ready." J'onn waved a hand to dismiss them and they all dispersed to get ready. Only Alex, Winn and Barry remained with J'onn.
"We have to find her." Barry said quietly.
"We will, but you know we can't rush into this. We have to get it right, for Kara's sake." Alex replied. J'onn nodded slowly in agreement.
"We leave as soon as everyone is ready" J'onn said, "Winn, we'll need you on the other end guiding us through." Winn gathered the plans from the table and retreated to his computer.

Kara woke to darkness. She blinked and looked around as her eyes adjusted to the dark. She looked down at her body and could make out straps around her legs and arms that were keeping her strapped to the board. She tried to move her arms out of them but searing pain raced through her every time she moved. She breathed heavily, trying to battle through the pain but it was too much. She couldn't do it. She stopped moving with a heavy sigh, looking down at her arms, only now did she realise the tubes coming from her arms. She followed them with her eyes and saw they went into a large machine next to her. From the machine her eyes studied the room around her, despite the darkness she could see it looked like some kind of makeshift lab that was covered in a layer of dust. There was a steel door to the right of her a few metres away but she knew she would never make it even if she freed herself from her restraints. At that moment, the door started shuddering and it creaked open. The clang of the robotic suit as he walked towards her echoed through the lab. He came to a stop to the side of her as she looked into the face of the man who defeated her and brought her here. Her breathing quickened.
"What do you want from me?" she asked, her voice shaking slightly, despite her efforts to sound unafraid. The man smiled as he looked at the machine she was hooked up to.
"Now that would be telling." he flicked some switches on the machine while Kara struggled with her restraints. "There's no use trying to escape, I've modified those cuffs to hold you specifically." Kara stopped moving and sighed. He pressed a button on the machine and it started buzzing, Kara looked and saw blue liquid running through the tubes. She watched as it reached her and the room faded into darkness.

The D.E.O agents arrived at the abandoned factory. Barry scanned the area quickly but found no sign of life anywhere. He gestured to J'onn and Alex that they should take a look inside, they nodded and followed along with the others. They reached the side entrance and tried the handle but it was locked.
"I can phase through and unlock it from the inside." Barry said. J'onn nodded and Barry phased through. There was a click from the door and it swung open, letting them in. It opened into a grey corridor that had multiple doors coming off it. They crept slowly through the building, searching each of the rooms that they found, but they were all empty- and had a strange air that no one had been in them for a long time. Barry whispered to Winn who was back at the D.E.O monitoring the situation and guiding them through. "Are there any other rooms we haven't searched because so far we haven't found her." his voice caught on the last word. Barry could hear the shuffling of paper through his earpiece and a few moments later Winn replied.
"On the original plans there's a basement- I'm not sure if it's still there but it's worth a shot." Winn gave them instructions on how to reach the entrance to the basement and they all set off. When they found what was supposedly the entrance they found it to be blocked up.
"Is there another entrance?" J'onn asked Winn.
Barry touched the wall, "I can phase through this." he said looking at the others.
"You'll be facing whatever is in there alone while we find the other entrance." Alex replied.
"I'm prepared to do that if it means we can find Kara faster." Alex nodded and J'onn turned away, leading them down the corridor. Barry watched them go and turned back towards the wall. He phased through it and emerged into a dark room. His eyes quickly adjusted and rested on Kara, who was tied to a board in the corner of the room.
"I've found her!" Barry practically shouted through the earpiece. "She's unconscious, and tied up- but breathing!"
"Try and get the restraints off her, we're on our way!" J'onn said, he could hear their footsteps. Barry ran towards her but before he could get to her a man stepped out in front of him, holding a syringe with a large needle. It was filled with green fluid.
"You." Barry said, rage flowing through him.
"Hello again." he said smiling before swiftly stabbing Barry in the stomach with the needle.  

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