Evilnessclan returns

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Skipperyoutuberstar: Welcome to Evilnessclan! Today we will be stalking Starclan, because I totally do NOT have a crush on Whitestorm!

Skipperdog: *laughs in background* peoples! Look at this! It's the honest trailer for "STAR WARS, Revenge of the Sith!"!

*everyone runs to Skipperdog and hover over her shoulder, breathing heavily*

*after video*

*all of Evilnessclan rolling around on the ground laughing creepily*

Ka-ka-poo: omg he's so right! The dude does four slow-mo head turns in one conversation!!!

DarfVada: so know I know the orgin of my name....

HanSolo: what bout me?

Ohnomommy: no.

HanSolo: aw...

Skipperyoutuberstar: well, lets go stalk Starclan with my camera! *holds up brand new thousand dollar camera*

Galexyface: where'd you get that?

Skipperyoutuberstar: uh-not important...

Galexyface: :L we all know you stole it...

*world implodes*

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