Battle cry (A short SwagDiePie fantiction)

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Sorry swagpi but I had to

Swagpi ran, glancing behind her to make sure Barney was still not chasing her. His loud footsteps had stopped, but Swagpi tripped over a twig and tumbled down into a river, hitting a tower of rocks.

The top one fell on her, hitting her shoulder.

She let out a cry if pain, and jumped up, hoping no one heard her.

But a cute Swedish big with blond hair and blue eyes was leaning against a tree, an axe at hand.

Swagpi tried to step back, but tripped on another rock and screamed as she fell. But something grabbed her hand just before she hit her head on a rock. The person holding her pulled her upright but didn't release Swagpi.

It was the man. And his name was PewDiePie.

Swagpi widened her eyes and felt herself staring into his blue eyes. But was snapped out of her trance when he gently slapped her. She felt her face heat up and she looked away.

"Thanks." She muttered. And the two couldn't resist becoming an alliance.

A few days passed, and Swagpi awoke to hear PewDiePie standing up, axe at hand. She stood also, grabbing her daggers.

And a back came out.

"Run!" Shouted PewDiePie, his eyes flashed with determination.

He ran at one, letting out his final battle cry.

Swagpi fended off a smaller girl while PewDiePie fought two others.

Two cannons went off. The girl and one of the people PewDiePie was fighting.

But suddenly two yelps were heard and two more cannons.

PewDiePie and the other had died. And when Swagpi found out, she screamed and began to cry.


A low growl sounded, and Swagpi looked around.


She scrambled up a tree, but felt a branch snap under her and collapsed on top of him killing him.

And supposedly killing her.

Liek if u cri evry tiem.

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