Lets get serious for a minute

15 4 11

So after Ryft complimented my stuff, I took a moment and finally fully appreciated myself.

I have been progressing, yes, and it's been harder for me because I have really bad depression.

I hate myself and always discourage myself. I try to hide it, but some may know already.

My dad just thinks I'm trying to get him to feel bad for me, and my mom doesn't give a crap.

Honestly, sometimes I feel like she doesn't care about me, instead preferring my sister.

I just want to say...

Thank you all so much. Not just you guys on Wattpad, but people on sketch, scratch, and Smule. You all encourage me and help me feel better about myself, and I actually managed to calm my depression.

But only a bit.

It might never go away, but it might because of the support. It helps.

A lot.

Thank you.

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