I just

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I'm sorry Swagpi

But your story is so beautiful

It 'twas a nice day over SwagClan camp, and all of the multi-colored cats were up to their usual daily routines. Suddenly, a boom and crackling was heard and colorful lights twinkled in pretty patterns, fading as fast as they came. "FOXPAI." Swagstar, formerly Swagpi, stomped up to the red and ice blue she-cat. "I thought I told you to hide the firework launcher!" "I DID!" Foxpai shot back, glaring at the continuing fireworks as the Clan just dumbly watched in awe, mesmerized instead of afraid. "Well, clearly you didn't hide it well enough." Swagstar growled, suddenly noticing a horrified look on Foxpai's face. "Please don't tell me you hid the rocket launcher in the same place you his the fireworks." "I hid the rocket launcher in the same place I hid the fireworks." Foxpai grimaced, looking worriedly into the forest. "Awesome." Swagster grumbled. "Well, I'm gonna go break the fourth wall and then burn some stuff. Wanna come?" "Heck yeah! I've got some bodie-OLD BEDDING to burn." Foxpai hastily corrected herself. Swagstar rolled like a log out the camp entrance, Foxpai flailing after her.
The end.

I feel accomplished in life

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