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So me and a friend were playing sky block today and yesterday.

Here are a few of our conversations:

Me: And we take the crap and we put it in the crap and the crappy crap crap crap.


Him: Got it.


Me: Watcha doin?

Him: Brewing things. Its my addiction.

Me: Like diamond generators in Eggwars?

Him: Yeah - HEY GET AWAY FROM MY BREWING STANDS *hisses like a cat*

Me: *steals a splash potion of poison* *throws* oh crap I hit me also

Him: *mines the block under me and I fall off the island*

Me: Skrew you.


Him: Where are the sticks?

Me: *sings* Over there, Over there.

Him: What the crap are you singing.

Me: *still singing* Pokemanz, are good *voice cracks in the middle of good*

Him: Dat voice crack doh.

Me: Oh look a squirtle.


Another thing is me, him, and this other boy, hate cleaning irl and like things messy.

But in Minecraft we all have MAJOR OCD

Luke the buildings have to be perfectly even, our inventory's have to be organized a certain way, etc.



*Sings* Over There, Over there

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