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I sighed, typing furiously on my Chromebook. I glanced over and saw the visitor, a girl with long blonde hair, watching my screen curiously.

No, I'm not mad at her. I'm mad at my loud classmates. Don't get me wrong, they can be funny and I do join in occasionally. But right now, I'm trying to write an essay.

When the class finally finishes, I rush to put my Chromebook in my locker and then to the swings. My friend, John, sat on the swing at the edge. I sat next to him, and the blonde joined us. Then my other friend, Rey, sat on her other side.

"Sir what have I told you about going into the kitchen dimension!" I said, imitating a British man.

"Well it's better then Papa Acachalla dancing on the roof!" Snapped John.

"I guess so, sir. But Holly has been taking over high-schools across the 1st dimension!" I replied, still with the voice.

Then the blonde piped up with a high voice and a slight lisp. "Where are my waffles!"

"Shut up Sally!" Said John.

"But I want my waffles!" Said the blonde.

"Well too bad. We have to wait until we deal with..." My voice trailed off when the teachers called that break was over.

"English took to long." I sighed, standing and returning to my normal voice.

"Your fault!" Said Rey.

I looked at the blonde and smiled. "I never caught your name." I said.

"Luna." She said, also returning to her normal voice.

"I'm May." I said. "You seemed to pick up on our roleplay pretty quickly." I said.

"Well, I had to do a ton of research for the fanfiction I'm writing about them." She said.


Well, I'm to lazy to write it out, but basically Luna turns out to be Ryft and then we become friends and do stuff like record videos and stuff and yeah.


Oh and Leafy popped up somewhere in there.

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