Wattpad Fam

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So I got this idea where you take some of your close Wattpad friends and decide their role if you were in a family with them. So, here I go:

Firstly, Swagtastic98. I imagine her as the protective oldest sister who will trade and joke around with her younger siblings, but if anyone or anything hurts them even a tiny bit she will hunt them down and make them suffer.

Secondly, MoonlightDragon. She would probably be that really smart middle sibling who is pretty funny, but calm and peaceful at the same time. She also makes me think of the most logical one of the family. Actually, that might be Fangpai. But MoonlightDragon would be second. And that's saying something.

Thirdly, xLoveFang. Hes probably the older brother who is very logical and peaceful, balancing out the crazy family. He also is all about romance, and can be called girly at times. But he's a chill and likable person, who is pretty popular.

Fourthly, Mapleshade4ever. She's the bad*** teen who is super goth and tough. She also adds to the crazy side, having the most random thoughts. She also keeps taking the free candy from Dr. Mario. (It's an inside joke from school.) She is also kind of in her own world, and that leader sorta kinda.

Fifthly, Fnaflvr987. Shes the young creative and friendly sister, who is most likely the really calmest one. She is also really smart on games and plotlines. And she's the innocent one.

Sixthly, DoctorPickles1087. She's one of the crazy ones who is also mind of in her own world. She is fiercely protective of her title and will fite you for it. She does not want to be super low yet super popular, she's kind of in the middle. At the perfect spot for her.

And that's all I can think of. Im sorry if I didn't include you, I love all of you! Its just these guys are currently the closest to me.

If I mentioned you above, you have been tagged! *Evil laugh*



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