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dead boy: why are you so afraid to open up

dead boy: i'm not gonna haunt you

dead boy: i'm not gonna hurt you

dead boy: i just

dead boy: i wanna talk to someone who will accept me as me

dead boy: not as "the schools best swimmer who was almost to olympic stardom!!11!!1!12"

dead boy: just as jeon jeongguk

dead boy: the boy who thinks sailor moon is cute and likes beetle bugs

michi: sailor moon.

michi: why her?

dead boy: you jealous?

michi: no

michi: why would i be jealous of a fictional character

dead boy: i was just kidding pls

dead boy: you're more dead than i am holy shit

michi: there's other pretty girl anime characters

michi: why sailor moon?

dead boy: i just like her the most

michi: so you're into superhero girls?

dead boy: maybe

michi: when i was four, i dressed up as sailor moon for halloween

dead boy: really?

michi: yeah

dead boy: aw, how cute! you probably looked adorable

michi: stop doing that please okay



michi: i don't need your compliments

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