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it felt just like her dream.

pushing her way though the large pack of people, world moving in slow motion. her head was down, stared at the ground as she walked. there was no blue glowing light. and she was sure there wasn't going to be a jeongguk standing in the middle of the dissipating crowd.

she was right.

jelo, she thought to herself as she'd concluded her countdown. she thought she had counted a little fast, but she had still gotten a late start. was sure jeongguk had been done counting down by now. unfortunately.

she almost wanted to give up trying to find him, as every cafe she stopped by didn't seem to have his . . . presence – if that was the right word. she wondered if he was playing a trick on her, not making himself visible to her just to make her search harder.

but no. once peeking into one particular cafe, she'd found him alas. sitting on one side of the booth with a smoking hot cup of coffee in front of him. hands closed together and placed on the table. he kept biting his lip. maybe he was nervous.

she was, too.

she hesitates, drops her hand down from almost reaching the door handle. she needs to calm down, that's what she thinks, as her breathing had started becoming heavy and her heart started to pound. it was so loud. she wondered if he could hear it through the glass.

a ghost. she was meeting a fucking ghost.

so many questions started to arise in her head; how did he even get that cup of coffee? did he just make himself visible for the lady, just for that moment? was she frightened by any chance? she was starting to doubt her decision of showing up.

nevertheless, she took a big deep breath, pulled the door handle and walked into the cafe slowly, kept her head down. she didn't look in his direction, despite knowing exactly where he was sitting. saw him through the window. she wanted him to think she was looking for him, when really she was just trying to calm herself down more and figure out what she was going to say to him.

she hadn't heard his footsteps.

she felt something push her forward a little, but caught her before she fell flat on her face. mouth ajar, she stared down at the pair of arms wrapped tightly around her waist. the head that was buried into her hair, hot breath on her scalp.

"kimchi," he begins, voice muffled by her hair, "it's so nice to finally hold you."

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