~The toaster~

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*Ponyboy's POV*

It was an early summer morning, the wind was softly blowing and the smell of peaches and wheat was within each gust. Soda was already up, I could tell because his side of the bed was now occupied by a good friend, Two-Bit Mathews. I smile softly and cover him up with the old torn blanket. "Ponyboy Michael curtis get in here right now!" Darry's loud stern voice echoed through the house. Frantically I pulled on pants and walks to the sound. Standing in the kitchen was Darry, sitting in the chair besides him was sodapop. "A-am I in trouble?" I asked, my voice sounding like a small child's and I cringe. "You're damn right you are! How did u get a D in science!? Pony!" I looked at him in shock, my report card came early. "I thought I did better?" I said and looked down at the stained floor. "Pony this was your over all grade. Damn it how do you expect to get in a good college with a grade like this!" I could feel the tears burn behind my eyes but I refused to let them fall. You don't dare cry in front of Darry. "Darry, it's just one class. Besides he's a smart kid." Soda says in his happy-go-lucky voice. Darry angrily bit his bottom lip and ran his fingers through his hair. "I'm just saying, he cou- FUCK!" Darry jumped back in fear, he stumbled back and nearly knocked soda over. Me and Soda both looked at eachother, unaware of whay happem. Soon we realized the toast that was now sticking out from the toaster. It was silent for a second then laughter arose from all of us. Darry looked at me apologetically. "You're a good kid brother, I'm just looking out for you." Soda smiled and hugged us both as tight as he could. "Ain't that a beautiful toast!?" He giggled and Darry and me rolled our eyes. This was an average day in the curtis house and I wouldn't change it for the world.

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