~what he does at a carnival/ fair ~

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Darry - does no rides, just games and when he wins he gives the stuffed bears n stuff to pony, Johnny n little kids. His favorite thing to win is the gold fish, makes kids happy when he gives them it

Two-Bit - walk around n eats all the deep fried stuff he can find, tries a couple of rides but prefers to eat

Dally - only does the rodeo, then maybe hangs out with Johnny in the animal area. He likes watching Johnny pet the rabbits, cows n horses

Steve n soda -goes on every ride, screams, cries, laughs. Once they throw up they bother Darry till they feel better than go on more rides

Johnny - watches Dally in the rodeo, helps pony with his four H stuff. Them spends the rest of the time petting horses

Pony - working hard showing off the cool little things he built for his four H club

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