~not as planned~

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A/N this was a request

Your pov
The wedding was magical, they said we wouldn't last. I shed tears of joy, but that was six months ago and the only crying I have done now is from anger and grief. I should have listened. I ran home happy to tell Darry the great news the doctor had told me, Darry and I were now expecting. I open the wooden door and I am confronted by Darry and his lips locked with another girls. Its funny how things work out, with such a bitter irony. It feel apart right from the start. The girl pulled away as she caught my gaze.
"I wasn't expecting you to be home...?" Darry's words burn my soul like gasoline, burned and blackened, I couldn't breathe. The girl stands and I see its my friend. I feel helpless. Trapped in a world that no longer loved me.
"I gave you all I had, all I wanted was your love!" My words come out like venom and from the looks on Darrys face it probably felt like that to him.
I couldn't look at them anymore. My so called friend and my husband, they broke me. I grabbed my keys and march out the door. I can hear arguing in the back but I dont dare turn around. He was a liar he wasnt worth it.
I grip the wheel with white knuckles, my eyes burning but I refuse to cry. I drove for what feels like hours but was only a meer half and hour. Dallys home was like a cold marbled mausoleum, a place where no light could penetrate. It represented not only him but me in this moment. I was hurting and dally was who I chose to turn to in my time of need. My legs feel like lead as I make my way inside. The walls were blank and devoid of color, the air smelled like stale tobacco but also fresh peaches.
"Dallas?" I whisper softly, expecting nothing. A think I learned was never expect a response from Dally. Dally was my best friend for ten years and never in that time has dally ever responded to me calling his name. I go room to room and find dally curled up in a blanket on the frayed old blood stained couch.
Dally looked young and innocent as he slept, almost like the world could not touch him in his sleep. Dally was a man to fear, he was powerful even without trying. The way he stood and talked showed authority. However when he slept that all melted away and what you got was almost surreal. Dallas looked like a glass sculpture, so pale and fragile like one touch and he could shatter. In real life he reminded people of the ocean, a source of energy that shows no mercy, uncontrollably and random.
       Dally wakes up with a jolt, his eyes burning blue. "Hello?" He whispers when our eyes meet. I say nothing and lie next to him, I wrap my arms around him and his body tenses up before he relaxes once again and hugs me back. "Why aren't ya talking?" He says softly, I could feel his breath on my neck. I shake my head no. "Speak damn it cause my hugs aren't free. Speak." I feel all the anger boiling inside me and until I exploded. I tell dally everything. All about the babies I was expecting, my husband fucking my best friend, how hurt I was, but more importantly how scared I was. When I was done speaking dally said nothing. He shrugged me away. "Dally?" I whimpered, I got nothing in return. Dally grabbed his worn leather jacket and headed towards the door. I knew I was in trouble. "Stay here." He manages to say before closing the door behind him. My legs felt like lead, my heart weighed me down. I couldn't breathe or speak nor could I move.

Dallys pov
I ran to Darry's house with pain in my heart. How could Darry do something like this. I break in the door, to pissed to even care. Darry is standing in the living room his face bright red from yelling, the girl was just as fired up. Darry turned to me when the door slammed shut. "Dally I can exp-" my fist connected with his jaw, he stumbles back in shock. The girl runs out the front door, I hear her crying as she passes me. Darry shakes his head before lunging at me, he using his weight and pins me to the ground. He sits on my chest. "I want to talk! Can you do that?" He yells at me with grit teeth. "No!" I croak before slamming my head against his, he falls back and grabs my shirt, he throws me towards a wall. We stood at opposite sides of the room, he was breathing heavily. "Fuck you!" I say before flipping a table and swinging at him, my fists connect with his neck and Darry tries to fight back. He kicks me in the knee and I stumble. I look up at him down on one knee. I pull a knife and stab at his stomach, Darry screams in pain and pony and soda run down the hall. Pony's face was puffy and red from crying, soda's shirt was wet with pony's tears. Soda tried to run at me but I block his every move and throw him like a rag doll across the room. Pony tended to Darrys bleeding body. I went to push pony away but I was suddenly pushed to the ground and felt restrained. I was so full of blood lust I was unaware the police were even notified. I was definitely going to jail if Darry pressed charges. I let the police carry me away because I knew if they didn't I would have killed him.

Your pov
Darry did not press charges, I was pleased but I did have to pay for Dally's release from the holding cell. Some of the corrupt police refused any decent treatment to dally or who he associated with. Dally walked slowly to my car and said nothing. We got in and dally looked me in the eyes. "I love you. More than a friend or like a sister. I loved you since day one but you're so god damn blinded it hurts! I want to help you raise the kids and I cant even stand any so if you would open your fucking eyes and kiss me I would be there for you." I stare at him with shock and felt the air evaporate from my lungs. He pressed his lips to mine and he kissed me like he was drowning and I was his air. I never felt more passion before in my life. I pull away and nod, I really did love him but I was afraid nor was I ready

6 months later
Dally held my hand when I gave birth to the twins. We named them James and Johnny. Johnny was proud to have a little kid named after him. It wasnt till later that Darry found out about the kids when he stopped by to apologies once again, but this time it was in person and he walked in on dally proposing

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