~secret wishes~

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Darry - he often wishes he died with his parents. He just wants to be with them again and would gladly trade his life for that. He always feels guilty about it because he really doesn't like the idea of pony and soda in a boys home.

Two-Bit- he often wishes he could be a soc. He fell In love with Marcia and wishes more than anything else to be in that elite life with her. He wants to give her the life she deserves even though she often tells him that his love is all she needs.

Dally - he wishes he was more like Darry, Pony or Johnny. He looks at them with envy because they're smart and understand the importance of family and connections. Dally grew up in a gang in NY so the idea of family lacks along with his education. He wishes he could be like Darry and have a bright future and be that father figure to all his friends

Steve - He often wishes he wasn't straight. He grew up so close to Soda that some times he questions what would life be if he was homosexual and dated soda. Of course he represses his thoughts and remembers just how happy he was with Evie

Soda - He wants to run away and join the circus or a rodeo in Wyoming. He wants to enjoy the every day changes a circus brings and he wants to feel liberated and young. He doesn't wanna grow up and be some boring adult doing the same monotonous things in life

Johnny - he wants to be born into a different family far away from Tulsa. He would rather be a slave from Africa than a child in his household

Pony- he wishes he could have a dog but is scared because once he found a cat and kept it for a week before it got sick and died. He thought it was because of his actions even though he did nothing wrong. The thought of death scares him to much

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