Part 20: Sweet Awakenings

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~Sally's POV~

Together after such a long time, My father and I began to catch up. He had, more or less, alot of questions projected at Jane. Which always seemed to come when she was off guard. "How long have you been together?" Jane would flinch, and nervously reply. "U-uh, almost one year, sir." Then she'd grip my hand alittle tighter than usual.

Some questions that he'd ask her, I wasn't allowed to hear; I knew that Jane would tell me later though. After a while of talking and asking questions, Daddy adjusted his suit with his tendrils, and cleared his throat.

"Well My Darling, Ill be on my way back now. You know how Clockwork can rile those boys up... Especially Ben. Mercy to that boys sex drive. Goodbye, My child." He said, lowering himself to meet my hug. "Goodbye Daddy. I love you!" We parted and I watched him dissipate, as that piercing static filled my ears again.

I turned to Jane, who fell to the ground again from the noise. Helping her up, we walked home hand-in-hand. As I walked through the front door, it seemed quieter than usual, so the boys must have left like Janey said to do. Jane took off her shoes, and sighed.

~Jane's POV~

After taking off my boots, I sat down on the couch and sighed as I let myself sink into it and lay my head against the back of it, closing my eyes. The cool air from the a/c I had stolen, made the house feel great compared to the never ending heat of summer. Sally's light footsteps pirouetting against the floor and around the couch. I felt her body drape over my lap, and looked down at her. She had placed her hand over her head for some kind of dramatic effect, and sighed to add to it. I laughed lightly, and she removed her hand to look up at me and smile. "Hey drama queen, how're you doing down there?" I asked, poking at her stomach teasingly. She giggled and lightly swatted at my hand. "I'm okay down here, for your information. Haha, and you know I'm ticklish, you dork! Haha! Nooo help haha! Please!" She yelped, as she tried to squirm away. "Nope. Sorry no can do." I said, actually tickling Sally now. No mercy.

She screeched and laughed, but I wasn't about to let up that easily. Then she remembered she could pin me...

Boom. A pile of two panting bodies on the floor. A pink-dressed one on top, and black-adorned one on the bottom. Sally giggled to herself. Panting profusely, I raised my brow and asked, "What's so funny, Megars?" She laughed lightly, and answered back. "Oh nothing. You just seem really cute this way." She spoke with a smile.

I blushed, and turned my head to hide it in my matted hair. Sally raised my hands over my head, and I knew she could feel my blush deepening too. She leaned down, and kissed my cheek lightly. Then she was off down the hall and I heard her bed springs creak when she fell into it.

Hey guys! Look at this! I'm back! Buuuttt.... I'm not back the same way. As some of you may have noticed, I am not Mai anymore. I am Max. No this is not an account trade. I'm still the original owner and author. That's all for now! Hope you liked it!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2016 ⏰

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