Chapter 1

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**Hey guys! this is my first story so be nice lol (: just give it a chance!!<3**

"Isabella Johnson, would you hurry up?!"
Uh, oh. My mother used my full name which, quite frankly, she only saved for special occasions.
I rushed to my bedroom window to give her a quick wave and told her that I'd be there in a minute. You see, I was moving to a whole different town and my family was waiting for me in the car as I said my final goodbyes to my soon-to-be old room.
I dragged my feet all the way downstairs, grabbed my handbag and looked into the mirror next to the door. I was wearing black eyeliner on my top lash line so my blue eyes were really standing out today. As for my brown, golden, hair I didn't really feel like styling it so I just let it fall naturally and wavy down to my hips. What was the point, anyway? It's not like I'd have anyone to impress in the new town. Along with my old room, I was leaving behind my friends and my boyfriend. Well, ex boyfriend now. I'd broken up with him because of the move because I didn't trust myself to be able to handle long distance.
Dad honked, impatiently.
"I'm coming, I'm coming" I mumbled. I took one final look at myself in the mirror before sighing, putting on a small smile and running outside and into our family car.
"You took a while!" my younger sister said with a pout.
"Well, when you're seventeen you get to take a while getting ready." I tapped her nose and laughed. Despite whatever mood I may be in, my sister always had a way of making me laugh.
"But you're not seventeen yet" she exclaimed and laughed.
"True" I admitted, "But I'm close, now put your seat belt on Lizzy."
Her name was actually 'Elizabeth' but when she was born, I thought it was too mature, in a way, to suit a tiny creature like herself. My parents were reluctant at first but the name stuck, eventually.
I watched my baby sister as she struggled to put on her seat belt. She really was a mini version of me except her hair was short and her eyes brown. To me, she was the most beautiful five year old there ever was.
"Want me to help you baby?"
"Yes please"
I smiled and buckled her up.
"Come on, girls, hurry up! We have to get there by dark." dad said but with slight amusement in his brown eyes.
"Give them a minute, Clark" mom said with a smile.
"Ha! Says the woman who was getting ready to drag Bella out of the house, you're not so innocent Sara." dad laughed
Mom rolled her eyes, kissed his cheek (with the effect of Lizzy covering her eyes) and turned around to see if we were ready. Then we drove off.
I looked out the window and back at our old, small but homey, house. I'd really miss this place... A single tear crept down my face and all that was on my mind was how thankful I was for waterproof mascara.

***Hope you liked it! I know it wasn't really exciting or anything but I just wanted you to "meet" the family lol (: Keep on reading please! I promise it will pick up;)***

*Edited 30/03/2014* remember that there's only so much I can edit without changing the whole story so I'm sorry that the chapters are so short!

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