Chapter 21

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Hey! I haven't had a chance to proove read this chapter so my apologies if you notice any mistake, it will be fixed as soon as possible. :D
Soo, in this chapter you will be introduced to a NEW character. Very exciting stuff, aye?;D Haha I'm a little out of this world right now, not thinking straight. It's not my fault. I'm sick.
Okay well, enjoy.<3 p.s. iloveyouokbyecontinuereadingnowokbyeagainokbye

I walked faster as the voice came closer.
"Damn you walk fast." Ethan said as he grabbed my arm, forcing me to stop.
"What do you want?" I spat out as I tapped my foot on the ground repeatedly to emphasize my impatience.
Ethan raised his eyebrows but made no comment on my sudden rudeness. "Well, do you have a ride home?"
"Yes." I answered quickly.
Too quickly apparently; Ethan grinned playfully. "I don't believe you." he stated.
"Oh no, what ever will I do?" sarcasm dripped from my voice as I rolled my eyes and turned around to continue my escape from the hellhole they call school.
I heard him follow me but refused to turn around out of pure stubbornness.
What was with me? I was sure I could return to school without getting my feelings all cooked up again.
I blame it on Ethan, that has to be it. I thought to myself as I made a mental note to stay away from him whilst my time in that place.
Eventually the annoyance of having someone trailing me got the best of me.
"Stop following me!" I growled as I turned around quickly.
Ethan bumped into me 'cause of my sudden movement and had to catch me to prevent me from falling to the ground. Sparks started tingling my skin where Ethan was holding me. For a second, as we looked into each other's eyes, all my walls dropped without the slightest fight.
"My car is right there." Ethan broke the silence as he let go of me awkwardly.
I looked behind me and he was right, it was. "Oh." Was the brilliant answer I came up with.
"Bella!" a guy walked up behind me and grabbed my waist.
Quickly, I put my walls up again. I really needed to work on those, jeez.
"Hey." I smirked using my newly normal cold, flirty voice as I got on my toes and kissed him on the cheek.
"Who's this?" Ethan asked, straightening up his posture and flexing his muscles.
"My ride." I said casually as I untangled myself from the arms resting on my waist. "Ethan meet my ride, Dave meet Ethan." I lazily waved my hand between them.
Dave smiled his million dollar smile while Ethan only glared at him.
"David here," I started as I placed my hand on Dave's chest, "is transferring to our school next week for his senior year." I smirked. Dave was definitely one of my highlights from the summer, the only one who I actually talked to out of the three guys I'd been seeing.
Ethan simply nodded once.
"Shall we be on our way then?" David asked me cheerfully. Oh and yeah. Dave's British. Another thing in his favour.
"Sure." I shrugged. "Bye Ethan." I winked him before grabbing Dave's hand.
"It was nice meeting you mate." David stated to Ethan, being the proper gentleman he was. Totally stereotypical.
Well, I could name one place he wasn't worried about being proper but that's R rated.
"My offer from lunch still stands." I shouted over my shoulder before letting myself get swept off my feet (literally) by Dave and being carried to his car.

---Ethan's Point Of View---

"My offer from lunch still stands." Bella shouted over her shoulder before getting carried to Dave's car.
It had only been for a second but it was still there. I had only caught a glimpse off it but non the less, I saw it. Vulnerability. As I watched Bella drove away with this Dave guy I thought about the warmth that had appeared in her deep blue eyes. It gave me sudden hope that maybe she wasn't the ice cold figure she allowed other people to see her as. And I was gonna bring her back.
What offer was she talking about? I asked myself as I slowly made my way to my car. As I started the engine the realization hit me. The offer from lunch...
"Unless you do friends with benefit." Bella whispered with her eyes closed. She felt so, cold.
"Is that an offer?" I asked with a smirk on my face as she opened her eyes to look in my own.
"Only if you can handle it." she smirked playfully.
That's it! That's how I'd bring Bella back.
I grinned widely as I drove off.

---Bella's Point Of View---

"So... what.. do you think-" I gasped as Dave continued leaving a trail of kisses on my jaw. "I should do?" I managed to breathe out.
I felt David smirk underneath his kisses. I had explained to him my situation with Ethan
"Well, it's obvious that he still loves you quite a bit. You should try and figure out how you feel. In the meantime, I don't mind keeping you occupied."
I chuckled. I honestly did like Dave, as a friend of course.
"That sounds like a good plan. For you."
Dave sighed and raised himself on his elbow to face me.
"Bella. You can not keep on with your whole statue act you put up. You barely show any emotion."
His face expression was dead serious. I flinched at the thought of the word 'dead'.
I sighed. "David. I can't let myself feel anything, it's hard enough to open up to you. I can't handle more." I looked down at our interlaced fingers.
Dave and I were more like friends than whatever this was. I had only known him for few weeks but I already felt like I could tell him anything.
Well, friends with benefits that is.
"And as flattered as I am, don't you think it should be your friends who you open up to?"
I rolled my eyes and put on my cold face expression back on.
"Okay that's enough talking." I smirked as I ran my fingers up his extremely impressive abs.
"That's fine as well." David chuckled before shifting us over to the other side.
Although my body was completely focused on that exact moment with Dave, my mind and heart craved different arms to hold me.
I breathed out deeply. What the hell was I going to do about Ethan? How is he making me feel all these things again? Did I still love him?
Those were my last thoughts before I gave into the cold spreading from my heart and focused on returning the kiss from David.

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