Chapter 2: Smile

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~Garroth's P.O.V.~

After the whole Aphmau yelling at the shadow on the roof. We can see them and hear there voice, but not what they look like. The door opened with a buzz and someone yelled "GET IN HERE, BEFORE THE BOSS CHANGES THERE MIND!" We walk into the doors and there was 2 males. The first one had orange spiky hair, blue eyes, camouflage shirt, black thin jacket, navy blue jeans, finger less gloves, dagger strap, a iron dagger in the dagger strap, golden cross necklace, gray beanie, stud earring on his left ear, and he was holding a obsidian sword. The second one had bright blue hair, blue eyes, gray jacket, black shirt, jeans, white shoes, golden necklace, black backpack, and he had a machete in his hands. The first one pulls out a walkie talkie and he says "Dallas?" 

There was a wait, but then there was a voice on the other side and it said "Ya?" 

"Come here and take these people to the boss' office." The first one said into the walkie talkie.

"Oh my way." The walkie talkie said.

"Name's Damen." The second one says. He holds out his hand and I shake it.

"Name's K-kage." The first one says and he shakes Aphmau's hand. Then the doors behind us close and the other doors to the build open. In comes a guy with red hair, green hair, black jacket, blue shirt, black vans, jeans,  necklace with red gem, and red scarf. He had no weapon in his hands. 

"Take 'em to boss?" The red haired boy asked. Kage and Damen nod there heads and the red haired boys makes a movement with his hand for us to follow him. We look at each other and follow him. He walk into the hall of the old middle school. The hall way was dark. "Name's Dallas." The red haired boy says. We get to the school's principal's office. We walk into the room and it was huge! "Stay in 'ear and the boss'll come." Dallas says as he leaves. The girls all sit on the crouch. Everyone else sits in chairs. I sit down in a chair and wait. The door by the desk opens and a person comes into the room.

"LAIM?!" Dante, Laurence, and me yell. He looks at us. His eyes were blank and lifeless. He walks to the side of the desk.

"You the boss?" Travis says. Laim nods his head no and the door opens again.

~Your P.O.V.~

I walk into the room and Aphmau's eyes widen. I sit down in the front chair. I cross my legs and stare into her eyes. She still had hope in them. 

"Heh." I say.

"What?" Aphmau says.

"Still have hope I guess." I say.

"Well don't you?" She says.

"Nope. Not in a world like this. I only live now." I said. My eye were like Laim's. Blank and lifeless. 

"Umm... I don't mean to be rude, but you and Laim look alike. Are you siblings?" A guy with dark brown hair, green eyes, and green scarf says. I nod my head yes. 

Laim whisper to me "They may of been old friends, but we can't trust people now a days." I nod my head, but then I look at there clothes. They were all torn up and dirty. I sigh and get up. Aphmau watching every step I take. I walk over to her and bend down to her level. I look her in the eyes. Hope, life, and pretty hazel eyes. I smile a fake smile and I get back up. 

"Get them some new clothes and a room." I say. Laim nods unhappy and makes a hand movement for them to follow. They all get up and follow him. I walk out of the room and walk into the old kitchen of the school. There was an outdoor grill in it. River was cooking something on it. I walk over to him. He looks up and smiles. I smile back for real this time. "Add 11 more people to the meal." I say. He nods and goes back to cooking.

New Life, New Friends {The Biters} (MS Boys X Reader) *HOLD*Where stories live. Discover now