Chapter 5: Lose

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*Recently On The Biters

I look around. It has to be (y/n)! I run to the place that I heard the bullet from. I find her, but not they way I wanted to. Oh.... God.... Help..... Us....... All.......*

~Kage's P.O.V.~

No...... Why..... THIS CAN'T HAPPEN! I run over and stab the zombie in the head. It falls down on top of (y/n). I lift it off. I look down at (y/n). Here whole left eye was gone. The zombie eaten her whole left eye. I hear someone run into the place me and her dead body was. Laim was there. He sees her and tears come to his eyes. They don't fall though. Wonder why. No. Now is not the time. His sister and our leader just died. His sadness was replaced with anger. "YOU COULD OF SAVED HER! WHY DID YOU LET HER DIE!?" He yells at me and he takes out her knife. I back up and hit a tree. He walks up to me and places the knife on my neck. Drawing a little blood.

"I-I couldn't do anything. W-when I got h-here she was a-all ready dead." I choke out. 

"YOU COULD OF RUN FASTER! YOU LET HER DIE! THE ONLY ONE I LOVE IS DIED NOW, BECAUSE OF YOU AND THAT KID! SHE WAS ALL I HAVE LEFT!" He yells in my face. I close my eyes waiting for death, but I here a moan of pain. Not a zombie moan. I open my eyes and look over. (y/n) was breathing a little. Laim looks over and he was relived. He lets me go and runs over to her. Laim takes off his jacket and put it on her eye. I put mu hand on my neck. I need to hid this, or lie. "Help. Me. Get. Her. There." Laim says though gritted teeth. I walk over and pick her up. He mumbles stuff under his breath. 

~Dante's P.O.V.~

We were all waiting in the kitchen for them to come back with or without (y/n). If I think about, (y/n) is really pretty. I can tell come off the other guys like her to. I can River has a crush on her, because he always helps her and always does stuff for her. We were all looking down. Bella was crying into Aphmau's arms. What if she doesn't come back? What would happen to us? We hear the door of the front door open. "DON'T COME OVER HERE! YOU DON'T WANNA SHE IT!" We all hear Kage yell. Is she died? Bella starts full on sobbing. I frown.

~Dante, Laurence, Garroth, Zane, Aaron, Travis, Vylad, and River's P.O.V.~

I feel this pain in my heart. Like someone stabbed it. Why does it feel this way?

~Aphmau's P.O.V.~

I hold Bella closer, prepared for the worse. I hear another door open and close. Then Kage runs into the room. "Does anyone know how to use medical stuff?" He asks. Why?

Damen stands up and says "My old job can use help in a medical stuff, so lets go." I look closer at Kage and I see blood running down his neck. His dagger had dark red blood on it.

"Ok, go to (y/n)'s room where she is." Kage nods. Damen runs out of the room down the hall way. 

Kage runs around, but Bella asks "Is mommy gonna be ok?" Kage stops and stiffens. 

He turns around and says "We'll make sure she will make it though."

"What even happened to her?" Zane asks.

"River can you take Bella to down stares to get some toys for her to play?" Kage asks. River nods and holds out his hand. Bella takes his hand and they walk down the hall way.

"Well?" Zane asks. Kage sighs and turns to all of us. 

"I found her with a zombie eating her eye. Laim and me thought she was dead, but she started breathing." Kage said. My heart stopped.

"A zombie hit her?" I asked. My breathing picks up.

"Kinda. She won't turn from the bite, because it was her eye. She wont see ever again from her left eye." Kage said. I started to tear up and I fall to the floor. All of them look at me and I scream putting my head in my hands. I start sobbing and someone holds me close to him. I look and it was Dallas. I hold me close to me and sob into his shirt.

"Shh. Were all sad. River, Kage, Damen, and me all owe her so much and we can't see her go this why." He whispers. He starts rocking me back and forth.

~Your P.O.V.~


I walk around the grass field. Every thing felt so real. I trace the tall grass with my hand as I walk. I look into the woods, next to the grass field. There was 3 people. I run over and I see them.....

"MOM! DAD! ISABELLE!" I yell as I try to hug them. 

I run right though them and Dad says "You made this world."

"Huh?" I ask.

"You made the zombies and killed us all." Mom said.

"NO I DIDN'T!" I yell with tears in my eyes.

"Next you will kill all your friends and Laim." Isabelle said. I fall to my knees.

"I didn't make them......" I said.

"You made someone make them." Dad said.

"NO!" I said.

"Remember Morgan?" Mom asked.

"M-morgan?" I ask. I remember him.....

"You ruined everything and kill us. It's all you." Isabelle said. I hold my head and scream.

~???'s P.O.V.~

I walk down the dark and blood hall way of the zombie king's castle. I get to her door and open it. I smirk as I see (y/n)'s dream on the wall. I walk over to her and ask "So how's everything going?"

"Shes almost lost it. We just need a death of someone she loves and she will lose it all." She said.

"Perfect. We just need to pick someone to kill." I said.

"I have an idea." She said.

"Perfect. THEN SHE'LL BE ALL MINE! HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!" I said, but laughed at the end. 

"Why do you even want her? Didn't she break your heart?" She asked.

"She'll be so lose that she will do anything. I can be there for her and then she be all MINE!" I said, and yelled at the end.

*OMI! There is a villain! Who is it, and who is she? 



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