Chapter 4: Bang

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I walk down the hall way with Bella in my arms. I walk over to my brother, who is heading up to the roof. I tap him on the shoulder and he turns around. I smile at him and I take my knife out. I hand it to him. He sighs and takes out his pistol. He takes the knife and I take his pistol. I put the pistol in my belt and walk to the front door. I open the back front door and walk in. I see Kage at the front with his obsidian sword. He sees us and presses the button. The door buzzes and I walk though it, with Bella. The door closes. I look around the outside. Everyone thing was dead. I sigh as Bella holds me closer to her. I take my hand and mess up her hair. She giggles and fixes it. I put her down and look though my stuff. Walke talke, pistol, band aids, and water. I smile and take Bella's hand. We start walking into the woods next to the school. I find the tree stump. I never told anyone about this stump, but all the people I loved, that died, name's are on it. I sit Bella down on the stump and fix her hair. I smile pull out the pistol. I hate to do this, but I need to do it. I just got Bella yesterday, but she needs to learn. She gets up and asks "Whats are we doing mommy?" 

"I'm gonna teach you how to use a gun." I said. She nods and I take her hands. I turn her around and make her face a tree. The tree had a red circle on it. "You gonna aim for the red dot." I said. She nods and lifts up her arms and aims at the rot. She closes one eyes and I say "Good. Don't lock your elbows." I fix her elbows. She looks unsure, but I put my hands on her ears. "Okay, let's take your first shot. Squeeze the trigger smoothly and I'll cover your ears. Nice and easy." I said. 

"Got it." She says. She puts her finger on the trigger and pushes it. 


She squeaks and the bullet misses the red dot. I chuckle and take my hands off of her ears. 

~Time Skip~

She finally hit the red dot. Were both sharing a water right now. I take off my jacket and give it to her. It was cold this morning. Then I hear a moan. I get up and grab the pistol. I grab Bella and put her behind me. Then there was a lot of moans and they were getting closer. I turn to Bella and say "Get in the tree." She nods and I help her get in a tree. I turn around and see zombies everywhere. We really need a new name for them. I point my pistol at them and then I get an idea. "COME OVER HERE! AT ME!" They all turn to me start walking fast to me. Bella's face was sad to look at. I walk farther away from her and I say "BELLA GET OUT OF HERE AND GO BACK TO THE SCHOOL! GO THE WAY WE CAME!" She nods and climbs down. I drop my walke talke and step on it. "Crap." I said. The walke talke was broken. I look over and see Bella gone. Good. I start running with the zombies behind me. I turn around and fire a shot.


~Kage's P.O.V.~

I hear the door being banged on. I pull out my dagger out of my dagger strap. I look out the window. No one. I look down and see Bella with (y/n)'s jacket on. I opne the door with a buzz and Bella runs into the room with tears in her eyes. I lean down and say "Where's (y/n)?"

"T-they came a-and mommy told m-me to r-run." Bella said.

"Who's they?" I ask.

"They people w-who eat other p-people." Bella said holding (y/n)'s jacket closer. 

My eyed widen and I say "Get everyone together and tell them. I'm going to look for your mom." She nods and runs into the hall way. I grab my sword and run out of the school, making sure the doors lock. I run into the woods and to a place were the dead were shot in the head and were on the ground. I see (y/n)'s walke talke, but it was broken. I pick it up and look around. I see foot steps and I start to follow them slowly.

~Aphmau's P.O.V.~

Bella runs into the room and tells me to follow her. I get up and I see she had (y/n)'s jacket on. We run into the dinning room and I see everyone was in there. They all look at Bella with questing faces on them. Everyone was in here, but Kage and (y/n). "Why are we here?" Zane asked.

"U-umm. Mommyandmeweretrainingandtheycameandmademommyrunawayandicamebackhere!" She said really fast. We all look at her. 

I go up to here and say "Take deep breaths." She takes deep breaths and says "Mommy and me were training and they came and made mommy run away and I came back here." She was crying. I hold her close and I say "Who is they?"

"They people who eat other people." She said. All of our eyes widen and I stand up. I can't lose her again. I run out of the room, but Bella says "Kage went after her." I stop and look at her. Aaron gets up, but I stop him.

"If anything happens to them, we can't lose others." I said. Aaron sighs and sits down. Laurence, Travis, Laim, Garroth, Dante, and River were looking at the ground.

"I HAVE TO GO AFTER HER!" Laim yells. We look over at him and he trys to run out of them. I stop him, but he pulls away from me. He runs down the hall way. I sigh and look down. Please be ok, (y/n).

~Kage's P.O.V.~

I walk down the place of foot prints. I hope she's ok. I owe her everyone thing, after what she did for me. She can't die. We all need her. 


I look around. It has to be (y/n)! I run to the place that I heard the bullet from. I find her, but not they way I wanted to. Oh.... God.... Help..... Us....... All.......

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