Chapter 11: Cuddle Talk

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*Bottom picture is Bella*

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*Bottom picture is Bella*

~Your P.O.V.~

I park the truck and hop out. Everyone else does to and grabs something. I look at the top of the building and see no one. Laim and Damen are meant to be up there. I check around the place and see everything was fine. Why were they not there? "What are you doing?" Ivy asks.

"My brother and my friend are meant to be up on the roof." I said and I pulled out my walkie talkie. I click the button.

"Kage?" I ask.

"Roger." I hear him say.

"We're outside, but Damen and Laim are not on the roof."

"I'll let you in, then I'll take someone to the roof with me."

"Got it." The talk ended and the door opens. I walk in, after telling everyone to follow me. We get in and Kage looks at them. He huffs and runs a hand though his hair.

"Let's go." I said.

"I'm taking you. You work to hard." He said, then left. I sigh and walk out of the room. I walk to my room and go into it, closing the door. I lay down on my bed and cover my face with the pillow. To lazy to do anything!

~Kage's P.O.V.~

I look as she leaves. "Who are you guys?" I ask and Garroth, Laurence, Dante, and Travis leave.

"Alex." She had black hair and black eyes.

"Fresh." A male said with white hair and pink eyes.

"Kayla." Said a girl with blonde hair and purple eyes.

"Ivy." Growled a pink haired girl with blue eyes. Crap. I keep my cool. Laim always talked about this girl named Ivy, with pink hair. She used to like him and he didn't like her back. What is Laim going to think?

"Just go around the place, until you find River and Dallas. They'll help you." I said and they nod. They leave and I walk behind them. I need someone, I know, to take to the roof. I put my hand to my neck. The scar wasn't getting better. I don't think it's ever going to leave. I need a scarf. Laim may be a bad person, but I owe (y/n). I see Vylad and I call him over. "(y/n) is home, but she didn't see Damen or Laim on the roof. Do you see any of them?" I asked.

"I only saw them this morning, when they were going to the roof." He said.

"Can you come with me?"

"Sure. Let's go." I handed him my dagger. I trust him. We walk up to the roof and I see a trail of blood. 

"W-what?!" I ask.

"What happened here?" Vylad asks.

"This blood is leaking from somewhere....." I trail off as I follow where it came from. My eyes widen. Laim and Damen were laying, passed out, in there own blood. Both of them had a knife by them, but they both were bleeding. "Vylad, get Damen." I said and he nodded. I don't want Laim to wake up and attack Vylad, so I'm carrying Laim. I pick Laim up, and he was hard to carry. I lay him over my shoulder. Vylad did the same to Damen. What happened to them?

~Your P.O.V~

STILL TO LAZY! It's been a half an hour and I haven't moved. The door opens and someone hugs my back. "Who is it?" I ask into the pillow.

"Me." A deep voice said. The male flips us over and we lay together, both eyes closed.

 The male flips us over and we lay together, both eyes closed

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(just make the girl have shorts on)

I open my eyes and I see it was River. Flirt. I want to get out, but he was warm. The hug was warm, soft, and nice. I see a picture hanging out of his pocket. I take it and he opens his eyes. I look at the picture.

"That was me before the world went to hell

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"That was me before the world went to hell." He said and I nod. I put the picture in his pocket.He chuckles as I snuggle close to him. "You love this don't you?" He asks.

"I miss the old days, but this world made be stronger. I met great people to." I said into his chest.

"Right...." He said. It kinda cold, because I have no sweater. An idea popped into my head. 

"Song?" I ask.

"Sure, but when was the last time we sang together?" He asks.

"I don't know, but it's raining outside. Let's pretend it's snow and go out!" I yelled as I run out. He grabs a sweater and we go out.

~Tinny Time Skip~

(People in video are you guys, but make the boy look like River and the girl looks like you)

He had the sweater on ans he pulls me into a hug. He puts the sweater on me, so we both were wearing the sweater. We both smile.

~Friend's P.O.V. (This is one of your friends, but you don't know who)~

HOW DARE HE! HE SHOULD KNOW HIS PLACE. I was watching them hugging, sharing the sweater. Hehehehehehe..... I will get you one day (y/n)......


*Sorry that this sucks. I wrote it on my tablet and it does not allow me to change the text type..... or indent....

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