Chapter 14: Their Thoughts

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~Your P.O.V.~

I walk into the kitchen, breakfast time. I had a hug headache. What even happened last night? All I remember is making out with Garroth. I stop in my tracks. WAIT, WHAT!? I MADE OUT WITH GARROTH!? My eyes widen my face becomes red. I walk into the kitchen and everyone looks at me confused. "Mmmmm...." I made a sound and say next to the one and only Garroth. I could see Ivy mutter something under her breath. "You ok?" Garroth whispers to me. 

"Garroth, what even happened last night?" I whisper.

".... W-Well, you and m-me made o-out, then you got d-drunk. You were acting crazy, but other than that, nothing." Garroth whispered to me, stuttering. I nod and look back at everyone else. They were still kinda confused on my behavior. I smile at them Nd they go back to doing their own things. 

~Garroth's P.O.V.~

Man, (Y/n) is hot and all, but I don't really want to tell her what she really did. She didn't do anything with me, but she did spilled her back story to me. Her back story is sad, I don't think anyone else here knows about me other than me. (Y/n) is a nice, beautiful, great, and trusting woman, I can't believe what happened to her. I think I fell in love for a girl I might not even get a chance to have.....

'The past is in the past. It's time to move on.' -Garroth

~River's P.O.V.~

I wonder why (Y/n) was blushing when she came in. Why did her and Garroth whisper to each other? I've known her longer so she's mine! What did I just think, that not normal for me. I know I can't even have (Y/n), but I just want her to be happy. Should I move on? She only likes me as a friend, or does she? Gah, I don't know anymore. I just want her to smile forever, even if she doesn't pick me.....

'You are my best friend, my human diary, and my other half. You mean the world to me and I love you.' -River

~Laurence's P.O.V.~

I feel bad for (Y/n), her brother left about a week ago. She's been going though hard times. I'll be there for her. I'll always be there for her. She'll always have me. I'll win her over. I'll be her everything. I'll be her husband and she'll be my wife. Bell will be my kid and we'll live this hell of a world. She's my princess.....

'Turn your face towards the sun, let the shadows fall behind you.' -Laurence

~Dante's P.O.V.~

Dang it! Looks likes Garroth got to her first, but that doesn't mean I can't come in and have her fall in love me~! She's beauful and awesome, only I can see that. I'm the one who should be her lover, her one and only. I love her with all my heart and I'll show her that, even if she picks someone else.....

'I'm not single, I'm not taken, I'm simply on reserve for the one who deserves my heart.' -Dante

~Travis' P.O.V.~

Wow.... She's beautiful, awesome, cute, great, and- I can't even say all of it! There is no words to say how much (Y/n) and how much I lover her. I may be a flirt, but she is the one. She's everything right with the world. She's the worlds last hope and my hope. She's my girl....

'All joking and flirting aside.... I'd be shattered if I'd lost you...' -Travis

~Vylad's P.O.V.~

Geez.... Zane and Garroth are deep in love with (Y/n). I mean who wouldn't? I am also in love with her, but love is a weakness in this world. It will get you killed. You have to fight for yourself, love will kill you and everyone around you. But... We still love, because it's a human need. I have fallen in love with her and most likely will get killed with everyone in this room, but we all woth fight for each other and ourselfs. It's what love does. Out of everyone in this room, I feel the closest to her.....

'I feel closer to you than anyone else here....' -Vylad

~Aaron's P.O.V.~

...... I can see that the Ivy girl isn't right in the head. She's after something, but what? I have to keep (Y/n) safe, that's my job. She's my everything. The thing me and Aphmau had in high school isn't a thing anymore. I see Aphmau has moved on and so have I. I see I have to fight for her heart, then so be it.....

'It's so hard to forget someone who gave you so much to remember...' -Aaron

~Zane's P.O.V.~

.... GAH! How dare you Garroth! First River and now Garroth! I will end them! She's mine! All mine! HAHAHAHAHAHA! MINE! I'm coming for you brother..... I'm coming for all of the people who like her. One by one, I'll kill them all, then she love me! She'll be all mine and no one can stop me! Watch your backs....

'You still haven't shown any mercy. A thousand times I failed, but since you've grown stronger I try, at the least...' -Zane

~Poison's P.O.V.~

Crap is about to go down. First, I'll get you (Y/n), then I'll take Garroth for myself. Boss will be so happy! Garroth will be mine! I look at (Y/n) as she smiles. All mine.....

'Look like it's just me and you now...' -Poison

*Oohhh~! Crap is about to go down! First, Zane is crazy in love and all of the other guys like you! Then you find out Poison is in the same room as you, but who is she? I have a hint with her quote. Her quote is from one of Aphmau's videos. What do you think about Zane? Who do you think Poison is? Put it down in the comments!*

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